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"You are all fools," he said "There is nothing in me to respect"

"No," she said "You’re the one who h, even while you insult us Can’t you see what that does? Can’t you see how you’ve inadvertently set yourself above everyone else? You didn’t do it intentionally, Lightsong, and that’s what makes it work so well In a city of frivolity, you’re the only one who’s shown any measure of wisdom In my opinion, that’s why you hold the armies"

He didn’t reply

"I knew you ht that I’d be able to influence you anyway"

"You can," he said "As you’ve said, it’s your doing that I’m involved in all of this"

She shook her head, still staring into his eyes "I can’t decide which feeling for you is stronger, Lightsong My love or my frustration"

He took her hand and kissed it "I accept them both, Blushweaver With honor" And with that, he turned from her and went to his box Weatherlove had arrived; that left only the God King and his bride Lightsong sat doondering where Siri was She usually got to the arena long before it was tiin

He found it difficult to focus his attention on the young queen Blushweaver still stood on the here he had left her, watching him

Finally, she turned, and made her way to h er own pavilion

SIRI WALKED through the palace corridors, surrounded by her brown-uniforh her brain

First, go to Lightsong, she told herself, going over the plan It won’t look odd for ether at these things

I wait for Susebron to arrive Then I ask Lightsong if we can talk in private, without our servants or his priests I explain what I have discovered about the God King I tell hi held captive Then we see what he does

Her biggest fear was that Lightsong would already know Could he be part of the entire conspiracy? She trusted him as much as she trusted anyone except Susebron, but her nerves had a way ofand everyone

She passed through room after room, each one decorated in its own color theht those were anyht, I wait for the break Once the priests leave the sand, Lightsong goes and speaks with several other gods They each go to their priests and instruct the never speaks to the’s priests to let hi on the priests, even those eren’t members of Susebron’s priesthood, but this did seeods didn’t do as instructed, Lightsong and the others would realize that they were being undermined by their own servants Either way, Siri realized she was getting into very dangerous territory

I started in dangerous territory, she thought, leaving the for the dark outer hallway The man I love is threatened with death, and any children I bear will be taken from me She either had to act or let the priests continue to push her around Susebron and she were in agreement The best plan was--

Siri slowed At the end of the hallway, in front of the doors out to the court, a sroup of priests stood with several Lifeless soldiers They were silhouetted by the evening light The priests turned toward her, and one pointed

Colors! Siri thought, spinning Another group of priests was approaching up the back hallway No! Not now!

The two groups of priests closed on her Siri considered running, but where? Dashing in her long dress--pushing through servants and Lifeless--was hopeless She raised her chin--eyeing the priests with a haughty stare--and kept her hair co of this?" she demanded

"We’re terribly sorry, Vessel," the lead priest said "But it has been decided that you shouldn’t be exerting yourself while in your condition"

"My condition?" Siri asked icily "What foolishness is this?"

"The child, Vessel," the priest said "We can’t risk danger to it There are many ould try to har"

Siri froze Child? she thought with shock How could they know that Susebron and I have actually started

But no She would know if she ith child However, she’d supposedly been sleeping with the God King for nancy to have begun to show It would sound plausible to the people of the city

Fool! She thought to herself in a sudden panic Assu, I don’t actually need to bear thenant!

"There is no child," she said "You were just waiting--you just had to stall until you had an excuse to lock me away"

"Please, Vessel," one of the priests said, gesturing for a Lifeless to take her arle; she forced herself to re the priest in the eyes

He looked away "This will be for the best," he said "It’s for your own good"

"I’m sure it is," she snapped, but allowed herself to be led back to her rooms

VIVENNA SAT AMONG THE CROWDS, watching and waiting Part of her found it foolish to corantly However, that part of her--the cautious Idrian princess--was growing more and more quiet