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She’d been wrong about hi people But was that possible? Wasn’t interaction based, in part, on judground and attitudes influenced how she responded to the It was to hold those judged Denth to be a friend, but she shouldn’t have ignored the way he talked aboutno friends
The door sla a hand to her chest
Vasher walked in "Start reaching for that shen you’re startled," he said "There’s little reason to grab your shirt, unless you’re planning to rip it off"
Vivenna flushed, hair twinging red The sword he had bought her lay on the side of the room; they hadn’t had much opportunity to practice, and she still barely even kne to hold the thing properly "Well?" she asked as he closed the door It was already dark outside, and the city was beginning to sparkle with lights
"The robbery was a cover," Vasher said "The real hit was that carriage Denth pro valuable if they comet at the carriage"
"Why?" Vivenna asked
"I’m not sure"
"Coins?" Vivenna asked "When Tonk Fah hit the horse, it knocked a chest off the top It was filled with gold"
"What happened then?" Vasher asked
"I left with soe itself was the distraction, and once it went down, I was supposed to pull out"
"He wasn’t there, come to think of it," Vivenna said "The others toldwith the thieves"
Vasher nodded, walking over to his pack He threw aside the bedrolls then took out several articles of clothing He pulled off his shirt, exposing a well-muscled--and rather hairy--torso Vivenna blinked in surprise, then blushed She probably should have turned aside, but the curious part of her was too strong What was he doing?
He didn’t remove his trousers, thankfully, but instead threw on a different shirt The sleeves of this one were cut into long ribbons near the wrists
"Upon call," he said, "becorip that which I led
"Wait," Vivenna said "What was that? A Command?"
"Too co the cuff of his trousers She could see that here, too, there were extra lengths of cloth "Becoth," he Corowing tight Vivenna didn’t argue with his insistence that the Commands were "too complicated" She just memorized them anyway
Finally, Vasher threw on his tattered cloak, which was ripped in places "ProtectBreath drain into the cloak He wrapped his rope belt around his waist--it was thin, for a rope, but strong, and she knew its purpose was not to keep his trousers up
Finally, he picked up Nightblood "You coo capture a few of those thieves Ask thee"
Vivenna felt a stab of fear "Why invite me? Won’t I just make it harder for you?"
"Depends," he said "If we get into a fight, and you get in the way, then it will be ht and half of thes easier"
"Assuood assu into her eyes "If you want to come, come But don’t expect me to protect you, and--whatever you do--don’t try and follow on your own"
"I wouldn’t do such a thing," she said
He shrugged "I thought I’d make the offer You’re no prisoner here, Princess You can do whatever you want Just don’t get in my hen you do it, understand?"
"I understand," she said, feeling a chill as she "
He didn’t try to dissuade her He simply pointed at her sword "Keep that on"
She nodded, tying it on
"Draw it," he said
She did so, and he corrected her grip
"What good will holding it properly do?" she asked "I still don’t kno to use it"