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"The slu up beside her

"Everyone you pass in here is an Idrian," Denth said, waving for her to keep walking "There’s a reason your kind have a bad reputation in the rest of the city"

Vivenna felt a nuht No, it’s not possible

Unfortunately, she soon began to see signs Symbols of Austre placed--unobtrusive by intention--in the corners of sills or on doorsteps People in grays and whites Mehlands in the form of shepherd’s caps or wool cloaks And yet, if these people were of Idris, then they’d been completely corrupted Colors er and hostility they exuded And how could any Idrian even think of beco a prostitute?

"I don’t understand, Denth We are a peaceful people A people of es We are open Friendly"

"That kind doesn’t last long in a sluet beaten down"

Vivenna shivered, feeling a stab of anger at Hallandren I could have forgiven the Hallandren for s and thieves out of caring shepherds and farmers They’ve turned our women into prostitutes and our children to urchins

She knew she shouldn’t let herself get angry And yet, she had to grit her teeth and work very, very hard to keep her hair fro within her So about

Hallandren has ruined these people Just as it ruinedation to be taken and raped in the na my country

I hate this city

They were unseehts She couldn’t afford to hate Hallandren She had been told that onwhy

But she succeeded in keeping her hatred, and hair, under control A few moments later, Thame joined them and led them the rest of the distance She had been told they would be e park, but Vivenna soon saw that the term "park" had been used loosely The plot of land was barren, streith garbage, and heroup stopped at the edge of this dreary garden and waited as Thaathered as Thame had promised Most were of the sa dark, ohs Woarb of prostitutes Some worn-down older people

Vivenna forced on a smile, but it felt insincere, even to her For their benefit, she changed her hair color to yellow The color of happiness and excite themselves

Thame soon returned and waved her forward

"Wait," Vivenna said "I wanted to talk to the common people before we ed "If you wish"

Vivenna stepped forward "People of Idris," she said "I’ve come to offer you comfort and hope"

The people continued to talk a themselves Very few seemed to pay any attention to her at all Vivenna sed "I know that you’ve had hard lives But I want to pro does care for you and want to support you I will find a way to bring you hohlands?"

Vivenna nodded

Several people snorted at that coo with concern "Wait," she said "Don’t you want to hear nored her

"Most of them just wanted confirhness," Tharoups still talking quietly in the garden "Your lives can get better," she promised "I will see you cared for"

"Our lives are already better," one of the hlands I earn twice as reement

"Then why even come to see me?" she whispered

"I told you, Princess," Tha Idrian City Idrians We stick together, we do You being here, itto them, don’t worry They et back at the Hallandren"

Austre, Lord of Colors, she thought, growing even more deeply upset These people aren’t even Idrians anyroup held together by the eternal pressures of Hallandren disdain

She turned, giving up on her speech These people were not interested in hope or coe She could use that, perhaps, but it made her feel dirty even to consider it Thaly field of weeds and trash Near the far side of the "park," they found a wide structure that was partially a storage shed, partially an open wooden pavilion She could see the leaders waiting inside

There were three of theuards She had been told of them ahead of time The leaders wore rich, vibrant T’Telir colors Slumlords Vivenna felt her stohtening One of them had attained the Third

Jewels and Clod took their places outside the building, guarding Vivenna’s escape route Vivenna walked in and sat in the last open chair Denth and Tonk Fah took up protective places behind her

Vivenna regarded the slumlords All three were variations on the same theme The one on the left lookedThat would be Paxen--the "gentle brothels The one on the right looked like he needed a haircut to ar and funding underground fighting leagues where men could watch Idrians box each other to unconsciousness The one in the center seeent type He was sloppy--but in a purposefully relaxed way, perhaps because it was a nice accent to his handsome, youthful face Rira, Thame’s employer

She reminded herself not to put too much stock in any facile interpretation of their appearances These were dangerous men