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Vivenna frowned "Security phrase?"

Denth eyed her "This is a rather heretical discussion we’re getting into You sure you want to continue?"

Vivenna ignored the amuse being with us, particularly if I don’t have any way to control it"

"All Awakening works by way of the Co with life, then give it an order Lifeless are valuable because you can give theular Awakened objects, which you can only Co list of coood about nottheuess"

Vivenna shivered That

"However, that means pretty much anyone can control a Lifeless," Denth said "Not just the person who created theive them security phrases A couple words you can say that will let you imprint the creature with new Commands"

"So what’s the security phrase for Clod?"

"I’ll have to ask Jewels if you can have it"

Vivenna opened her ht better of it Denth obviously didn’t like interfering with Jewels or her work Vivenna would simply have to make a point of it later, once they were in a more private location Instead, she just eyed Clod He was dressed in sirey shirt, with a leather jerkin that had been drained of color He carried a large blade at his waist Not a dueling sword--a rey, Vivenna thought Is that because they want everyone to recognize Clod for a Lifeless? Despite what Denth said about Lifeless being coht be coht, but that doesn’t mean that people are pleased to see theh it never responded It simply walked, face forward, inhuman in the steady rhythm of its steps

"Does she alwaystalk to it like that?" Vivenna asked, shivering

"Yeah," Denth said

"That doesn’t seeh he said nothing A few moments later, Tonk Fah and Parlin returned Tonk Fah, Vivenna was displeased to see, had a small monkey on his shoulder It chittered a bit, then ran behind Tonk Fah’s neck,to the other shoulder

"A new pet?" Vivenna asked "What happened to that parrot of yours, anyway?"

Tonk Fah looked ashaood with pets"

"That parrot was boring anyway," Tonk Fah said "Monkeys are "

Vivenna shook her head It wasn’t long before they arrived at the next restaurant, one far less lavish than the previous one Jewels, Parlin, and the Lifeless took up places outside, as usual, and Vivenna and the two s were beco the last couple of weeks, they’dusefulness Soht be capable ofa ruckus Others were merchants, like Fob All in all, Vivenna was impressed with the variety of covert ways Denth had cos in T’Telir

Most of the schemes did, however, require a display of Vivenna’s Royal Locks as a clincher Most people instantly grasped the i in the city, and she was left wondering just how Le proof

Denth led them to a table in the corner, and Vivenna frowned at how dirty the restaurant was The only light ca beah to show the grier, she quickly deter at this establish restaurants, anyway?" she said, sitting down--but only after wiping off the stool with her handkerchief

"Harder to spy on us that way," Denth said "I keep warning you, Princess This is s over food throw you off In any other city, we’d beparlors, or alleyways Best to keep "

They settled down, and as if they hadn’t just come from their second lunch of the day, Denth and Tonk Fah ordered food Vivenna sat quietly in her chair, preparing for theof a holy day in Hallandren--though, froan city had no real concept of what a "holy day" should be Instead of helping thefor the needy, the people took the evening off and splurged on ant

And perhaps they did Fros Itidle and gluttonous

Their contact arrived before the food did He walked in with two bodyguards of his own He wore nice clothing--whichand greasy, and he appeared to be short several teeth He pointed, and his bodyguards pulled a second table over next to Vivenna’s, then arranged three chairs by it The man took a seat, careful to keep his distance from Denth and Tonk Fah

"A little paranoid, aren’t we?" Denth said

The man raised his hands "Caution never hurt a man"

"More food for us, then," Tonk Fah said as the plate arrived It was covered with bits ofso that had been battered and fried The monkey immediately scrambled down Tonk Fah’s arm and snatched a few pieces

"So," the man said, "you’re the infamous Denth"

"I am I assume you’re Grable?"

The man nodded

One of the city’s less reputable thieving lords, Vivenna thought A strong ally of Vahr’s rebellion They had been waiting weeks to set up this