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The wolanced at one of her companions That woman rushed away A few moments later, the servant returned with Treledees Siri frowned slightly She did not like speaking with theher with his usual air of disdain
She sed, refusing to be intimidated "The priests," she said "What were they just discussing?"
"Your homeland of Idris, Vessel"
"I know that much," Siri said "What do they ith Idris?"
"It see about whether or not to attack the rebel province and bring it back under proper royal control"
"Rebel province?"
"Yes, Vessel Your people are in a state of rebellion against the rest of the kingdoainst us!"
Treledees raised an eyebrow
Different viewpoints on history indeed, Siri thought "I can see how soht think as you do," she said "Butyou wouldn’t really attack us, would you? We sent you a queen, just as you de will have royal blood"
Assu ever decides to consued "It is likely nothing, Vessel The gods simply needed to be apprised of the current political climate of T’Telir"
His words didn’t offer Siri ? Trying to politic in Idris’s defense?
"Vessel," Treledees said
She glanced at him His peaked hat was so tall it brushed the top of the canopy In a city full of colors and beauty, for so face seemed even bleaker for the contrast "Yes?" she asked
"There is a matter of some delicacy I fear that I must discuss with you"
"What is that?"
"You are fahter of a king I assuovernment that there be a secure, stable plan for succession"
"I guess"
"Therefore," Treledees said, "you realize that it is of no small importance that an heir be provided as quickly as possible"
Siri blushed "We’re working on that"
"With all due respect, Vessel," Treledees said "There is soreement upon whether or not you actually are"
Siri blushed further, hair reddening as she glanced away frouments, of course, are limited to those inside the palace," Treledees said "You can trust in the discretion of our staff and priests"
"How do you know?" Siri said, looking up "Ion it Maybe you’ll have your heir before you know it"
Treledees blinked once, slowly, regarding her as if she were a ledger to be added up and accounted "Vessel," he said "Do you honestly think that ould take an unfan woods without keeping watch?"
Siri felt her breath catch, and she had a ht Of course they atching To s went according to plan
Being naked before her husband was bad enough To be so exposed before men like Treledees--men who saw her not as a woman, but as an annoyance--felt even worse, so around her chest and its revealing neckline
"Now," Treledees said, leaning in "We understand that the God King may not be what you expected He may even bedifficult to ith You are a woman, however, and should kno to use your charms to motivate"
"How can I ‘motivate’ if I can’t talk to him or look at him?" she snapped
"I’m sure you’ll find a way," Treledees said "You only have one task in this palace You want to ’s priesthood e desire, and your rebels will earn our appreciation My colleagues and I have no suard your hole duty Give us an heir Give the kingdo in Hallandren is ascohesive as it may appear to you at first"
Siri re at Treledees
"I see that you understand," he said "I feel that" He trailed off, turning to the side A procession was approaching Siri’s box Its ure at the front caused them to shine with vibrant color
Treledees frowned, then glanced at her "We will speak further, if it becomes necessary Do your duty, Vessel Or there will be consequences"