Page 9 (1/2)

In T’Telir, however, the population was large enough--and rich enough--to support dedicated food providers Restaurants still hadn’t caught on in the rest of the world, but in T’Telir, they were commonplace Vasher already had a booth reserved, and the waiter nodded hihtblood up against the wall

The sas stolen within a nored the thievery, thoughtful as the waiter brought him a warm cup of citrus tea Vasher sipped at the sweetened liquid, sucking on the bit of rind, wondering why in the world a people who lived in a tropical lowland preferred heated teas After a fewwatched Eventually, that sa Vasher slipped his dagger from his belt with his free hand as he sipped

The priest sat down opposite Vasher in the booth He wore street clothing, rather than religious robes However--perhaps unconsciously--he had still chosen to wear the white and green of his deity Vasher slipped his dagger back into its sheath,a loud sip

The priest, Bebid, looked about nervously He had enough of a Breath aura to indicate that he’d reached the First Heightening It here most people--those who could afford to buy Breath--stopped That ood decade or so and give them an increased life sense It would also let theuish other Awakeners, and--in a pinch--let the theh money to feed a peasant family for fifty years

"Well?" Vasher asked

Bebid actually ju his eyes The priest was not accustos He wouldn’t have come at all, had Vasher not exerted certainpressures on hi at the priest as the waiter arrived with two plates of spiced rice Tektees food was the restaurant’s specialty--the Hallandren liked foreign spices as much as they liked odd colors Vasher had placed the order earlier, along with a pay booths empty

"Well?" Vasher repeated

"I" Bebid said "I don’t know I haven’t been able to find out arded the ive me more time"

"Re the last of his tea, feeling a twinge of annoyance "Wouldn’t want news of those getting out, would we?" Do we have to go through this again?

Bebid was quiet for a ti, Vasher," he said, leaning in "I’htvison the True I can’t betrayyou to"

"We’re not supposed to release information about court politics"

"Bah," Vasher snapped "Those Returned can’t soabout it within the hour"

"Surely you’re not iritted his teeth, bending his spoon with his finger in annoyance "Enough, Bebid! We both know that your oaths are all just part of the gaames"

Bebid paled and didn’t touch his meal Vasher eyed his spoon with annoyance, then bent it back, cal fro food sit around uneaten--you never knehen you’d have to leave in a hurry

"There have beenruoes beyond siods This is soh that even observant priests only hear hints of it"

Vasher continued to eat

"There is a faction of the court pushing to attack Idris," Bebid said "Though I can’t fatho he had more tea to wash down the rice "We both know Hallandren has sound reasons to slaughter every person up in those highlands"

"Royals," Bebid said

Vasher nodded They were called rebels, but those "rebels" were the true Hallandren royal faht be, their bloodline was a challenge to the Court of Gods Any goodyou did to stabilize your throne was execute anyone who had a better claiood idea to execute everyone who thought they ht, Hallandren wins What’s the problem?"

"It’s a bad idea, that’s the problem," Bebid said "A terrible idea Kalad’s Phantoo easily, no matter what people in the court say This won’t be like squashing that fool Vahr The Idrians have allies frodo of rebel factions’ could easily spin into another Manywar Do you want that? Thousands upon thousands dead? Kingdorab a little bit of frozen land nobody really wants"

"The trade passes are valuable," Vasher noted

Bebid snorted "The Idrians aren’t foolish enough to raise their tariffs too high This isn’t about money It’s about fear People in the court talk about what ht happen if the Idrians cut off the passes or what e T’Telir If this were about o to war Hallandren thrives on its dye and textiles trade You think that business would boom in war? We’d be lucky not to suffer a full economic collapse"

"And you assu?" Vasher asked

"Ah, yes," Bebid said dryly "I forgot who I was talking to What do you want, then? Tell et this over with"

"Tellon rice

"The Idrians? We just talked--"

"Not them," Vasher said "The ones in the city"