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She hesitated, sent hiht
Caden wasnt sure she truly believed hih of relief Yes, he wanted to find Anka, right Lucans life, return to Dallas But he did feel the urge to protect Sydney He would ive you uest chair once h for another article?
Not certain yet
She was holding backand he didnt blas badly before Today hadnt been loads better, but a least she no longer looked hostile Will you share what you know? Please
For a longto read his thoughts Finally, she shrugged Since youre ned partner, Im supposed to ith you And youll read the details when theyre printed
According toMathias rose from an exile that was supposed to be like death and last forever Apparently, no one kno he did it, but everyone knows he wants to overthrow a terrible class systeoal is to help them rise up
Caden had never heard such a load of tripe Or so he says
Indeed But it le that since hes arisen like a savior, ickind will eo was one of many to throw off the oppressors, and stay tuned for h he couldnt tell her ithout revealing too much Besides, Sydney was an independent creature The , shed do the opposite
So youre glorifying the man who raped this poor woman? he asked
She paused, then wrinkled her nose Thats been le that this witch was an enemy of his utopia and he dealt harshly with her I couldnt see another slant
Mathias is no hero You know bollocks about coaressor needs the , he ical people? What if hes claiain? What if hes convinced the poor that he can lift thee ruse? He clenched his fists, and his shoulders tensed, as if he was barely restraining hi on the desk And what if he raped that poor woht side, and Mathias knew he could crush thathis woman?
Sydneys jaw dropped, then she scraood at this Much estion
If I talked to your source, in addition to protecting you, perhaps we could craft a better story together
Cant Sydney didntdown notes Ive told you, the poor witch is terrified Aher own grave Shed never talk again
Tell me about her Maybe I can find some way to ease her fears, he went on You could assure her that I would never harm her She trusts you
Very little She jumps at a shadow No offense, but you wear that soldier mien a bit too well You could never soothe her
Perhaps I should talk to her on the phone first, allay her worries, and pave the way for a face-to-face ain unless I, Sydney looked up from her notes She doesnt want her picture taken
Caden couldnt tell if she believed hi with her source without him And he could neither lose his only possible lead to Anka nor allow Sydney to risk herself
So I wont take it
Sydney shrugged Convincing her will be a challenge Besides, shes gone for a bit
With Aquarius on holiday? Where?
I dont know Their plans werent set Said so about Paris, perhaps
Damn! Aquarius and Anka, if she was indeed Sydneys source, could be anywhere
I have a bad feeling about this story, heyou to hold off unless I can be certain youre safe
I think youre worried more than necessary Itssweet of you, but Holly wants another story now I down his frustration, he reached for logic He had to get through to this woman, stop this story Where is the picture your previous photographer took of the battle afterh one of the folders on her desk When she found the photo, she slid it across the desk to him Here
He slid it back in front of her How lanced at the picture, then away Its too dark and grainy to tell
More than a few? he challenged
She hesitated, as if sensing his point before hefor a way to refute it Yes
Dozens, in fact Wouldnt you say?
Perhaps She shrugged
No Obviously These werefrom their uniforms, many were soldiers, which means they were trained in co the words sink in If Mathias wanted this story hushed, do you think hed have any co you?
Sydney didnt answer, but Caden knew by the look on her face that she understood his point
By all accounts, there was blood everywhere Severed heads and liunshots, and a lot of death What do you know about avoiding those?
Looking about, she fiddled with a pen, tapped her toes She didnt like the truth