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"I’ve always thought it best if wo," she said finally "The young can easily be caught up in hot blood Then they do tootheh, yet Or worst of all, they find a taste for it Not that I believe either of you has that flaw" She gave Aviendha a weighing glance without pausing; Aviendha hastily sheathed her belt knife "Adeleas and I have seen enough to knoeago Perhaps you will leave this to us Much better that way, all around" Vandene seemed to take the recommendation as accepted She nodded and turned back toward the door
No sooner had she disappeared behind it, than Elayne felt the use of the Poithin, a weave that ainst eavesdropping, certainly They would not want stray ears to catch whatever Ispan said Then another use hit her, and suddenly the silence from within was more ominous than any shrieks that ould contain
She crushed her hat back onto her head The heat she could not feel, but the sun’s glare suddenly made her queasy "Maybe you’ll help ," she said breathily She had not ordered it done -- whatever it was -- but that did not see quickness; she seemed to want to be away fro not far fro i about i Renaile AliseRenaile out as the leader after one sweeping glance Elayne and Aviendha she ignored
"Coument "The Aes Sedai say you ant to be out of the sun until matters are more settled" The words "Aes Sedai" held as much bitterness as they did the awe Elayne was used to frorowing darker, but Alise plowed on "You wilders can sit out here and sweat if that’s what you want, for all of me If you can sit" It was obvious none of the Atha’an Miere had received Healing for their saddle soreness; they stood like woet they existed below the waist "What you will not do is keep "
"Do you knoho I aht fury, but Alise was already walking away and not looking back Struggling with herself visibly, Renaile dashed sweat frorily ordered the other Windfinders to leave the "shorecursed" horses and follow her Theyafter Alise, everyone but the two apprenticesto herself -- Alise included
Instinctively, Elayne began to plan how to set the Atha’an Miere’s pains Healed without the to offer too strenuously; Nynaeve had to be appeased, too, and the other sisters To her surprise, she suddenly realized that for once in her life she had no real desire to s the Windfinders lis, she decided that e, open grin as she watched the Atha’an Miere Elayne snatched the much smaller smile from her own face and turned to the packhorses They did deserve it, though Not grinning was very hard
With Aviendha’s help, the searching went nize what they were after as quickly as she did Not a great surprise A few of the sisters Elayne had trained showed a greater skill in this than she did herself, but most came nowhere near Still, two sets of hands found reat deal to be found Liveried stablemen and woreal grew on the broad stone lid of a square cistern
Four more horses were unloaded quickly, and they accumulated a selection that would have caused a celebration, brought into the Tower Even with no one studying ter’angreal They took every forinable Cups and bowls and vases, no two the san or in the sa apart and whatever had lined it long since gone to dust, held pieces of jewelry -- a necklace and bracelets set with colored stones, a slis -- and there were spaces for real, and they all h Elayne could not iine why any woman would want to carry so old rapped around a hilt of rough deerhorn; the blade was dull, and by all evidence, always had been She kept turning that over and over in her fingers -- her hands actually began to tremble -- until Elayne took it away from her and put it with the others on the cistern’s lid Even then Aviendha stood for a tione dry There were finger rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets and buckles, many of very peculiar pattern indeed There were statuettes and figures of birds and anies, half a dozen large e patterns and not one carrying an ie Elayne could really understand, a pair of peculiar hats seely made of metal, too ornate and too thin to be helmets, and any number of items she could not think what to call A rod, as thick as her wrist, bright red and smooth and rounded, firm rather than hard for all that it seehtly in her hand, it almost felt hot! Not real heat any more than the warmth was real, but still! What about a set of metal basketwork balls, one inside the other? Any movement produced a faint musical chi that no matter how hard she looked into it, there would always be a still s that looked like a blacksh that she dropped it, and it broke a chip off the edge of the cistern cover A collection to stir amazereal Those Elayne set very carefully aside, within arolden bracelet attached by four flat chains to finger rings, every bit of it engraved in an intricate er than the turtle still in her pouch It was ely, the bracelet had a tiny lock, co fro with the key! The other was a seated wos folded in front of her, her exposed knees bare, but with hair so long and luxuriant she could not have beenas the turtle, but she found it very appealing One hand rested on a knee, paled so the thuers, while the other hand was lifted, the first two fingers raised and the others folded The whole figure carried an air of suprenity, yet the delicately worked face showed aht Maybe it had been made for a particular woman? It seee of Legends So real were sh to carry about your