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Zack raised an eyebrow "Would you be so kind as to share with us?"

I grinned, beginning to pace "Okay, Moran is on the board of Lake Pearl Bank He loves being on the board of LPB because it makes him popular and powerful People kiss his ass and do shit for hi loves that shit"

"We’ve noticed this," Ryan re kicked off the board would be about the worst thing that could happen to him, in his mind He wouldn’t be invited to any of these events and parties any his ass"

Zack and Ryan exchanged a baffled glance and I rolledto try and pass your task force off as a financial crimes unit, you need to be up on the financial world" I stopped pacing "Though, to give Moran credit, he didn’t actually break any laws I h he’d probably be in deep shit with the SEC"

"Kara," Ryan said tightly "Would you please get to the point?"

I took a deep breath "In the banking world, if Bank A is interested in buying Bank B, then, assuht, Bank B has to disclose all sorts of infor But the catch is that it’s coh If a ress, they can be kicked off the board"

Jill’s brows drew together "Why? What’s the deal?"

"Because, if people found out that a bank was in trouble and possibly needed buying out, it could cause a run on the bank But also, if soht out--especially if it was by a large bank withchunk of stock in advance of the sale--"

"Insider trading," she finished with a nod "Okay Got it So Vic found out and started buying stock?"

I shook my head "Not quite Moran and Vic were buddies, and I think that Moran let it slip to Vic that Lake Pearl Bank was about to be bought out And, Vic--nice, char, wonderful Vic--decided he could make a bundle But he knew better than to make any purchases himself since it was known that he was friends with Ben, so Vic very nicely offered Roger a loan and the chance to e profit And Adam Taylor owed Vic money--probably for stuff related to the studio--so Vic convinced Adam to let him make some investments in his name as well"

Jill made a sour face "What a sweetheart Throw everyone else under the bus He knew perfectly hat he was doing, and I’m sure that after he sold the revalued stock for his ‘clients’ he would have skimht," I told Jill

Zack let out a lohistle "So Moran found out about the big stock purchase and realized that people knew"

"And by then it was too late," I said "An investigation into insider trading wouldn’t be far behind"

"It’s nothing illegal," Ryan said,that social position would be as bad as going to jail"

"Right," I said "That’s why I don’t think that Moran was co indiscreet He values that position too oleer, in an attempt to clean up the mess With them dead, there’s no way for anyone to prove that Moran was the one to leak the info about the sale"

Silence fell for a few ticking heartbeats

"So," Jill said finally "How are you going to prove Moran killed the idea"

Zack stood "And, how does this connect to the attack on Lida?"

I setidea about that either, but can you people at least allowthe hed "Oh Yes," she said in robotic deadpan "You are so brilliant"