Page 13 (1/2)
"Wait, I--" I groaned as hiss Holy crap, he’d never been like this before--on me with barely any prearowled as he shifted lower, at which tis like conversation It didn’t take long for hiling for breath froas toward another
I woke froh I opened uess I nodded off"
"No need for apology," he said He was propped up on one elbow, looking down at"I had no fear that I had bored you"
My lips twitched "Has anyone ever told you that you’re kinda cocky?"
His crystal-blue eyes flashed with aht smile curved his mouth "Never," he stated in a deep and ominous tone that made it clear that dire punishments would be visited upon anyone who dared speak with such disrespect to a creature of his power
I raised an eyebrow "Yeah? Well, you are"
He chuckled "Ah, dear one, I do enjoy you," he said, leaning over to lightly kiss randoh "I’ me as a chore"
He lifted his head and fixed his gaze on ht yourself in such a manner"
I blinked at hi you this pleasure"
I stared at him in even more surprise This was the first ti that could be interpreted as fondness or affection Expressing a desire to fuckin er down ooseflesh in its wake "So naive you are, in so lanced at ht, dear one You have incredible depths yet to be discovered, and I look forward to discovering what desires you’ve not yet realized"
I controlled the shiver of reaction with effort and sat up, since I knew that if I continued lying next to hirab him and do more nasty-nasty with him I hadn’t even intended to do thisdown o on about how he enjoyedthat part of the reason he enjoyed this was because it s for Ryan And Rhyzkahl had made it fairly clear before that he wasn’t fond of Ryan He knew soent--knew that there was more to him Somehow every time I had the chance to ask Rhyzkahl about him, some reason came up that I couldn’t do it And, thisneed for infore offer
"Okay, this has been very enjoyable," I said as I tugged my shirt on "But you oweback into place Any other man would have looked silly or skeevy with his pants pushed down past his hips Not Rhyzkahl
Then again, he wasn’t a ave ht smile "Of course, dear one What is it you wish to know this time?"
I slid my pants on and then hitched lare as I could e "Why does the demon Skalz believe that I’m in sufficient peril that he feels it appropriate to offer his services as a guardian?"
I never in a ht that I could have startled the lord, but he straightened in a way that let me know I’d definitely struck a nerve
"Tell rowled, eyes narrowed
I pulled ed "Well, let’s see First he told uardian and that he wanted to be considered for the position"