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Eternal Flame Cynthia Eden 37500K 2023-08-31

Jana kept the PT Cruiser in sight as it weaved through the streets Since she’d been gone, Perseus had changed their location They did that as part of their protection strategy They changed locations every few months Tricky bastards

She kept a few cars between her and the other car Not so ht of the Cruiser, and not too few because she didn’t want the folks in the Cruiser to see her

They swept past the St Louis ceht-iron fence, ghostly htened on the wheel as a shiver skated down her spine She’d never been too fond of the cemeteries in New Orleans Because she knew, unlike most of the tourists, that some of the dead could really co prey And with all those folks out there working their sua harhthborhood Looked so noran to disappear The storo had destroyed a lot here, and folks hadn’t rebuilt Not that she bla? The car ate up more road Some factories dotted the street now Warehouses

Finally, finally, the Cruiser pulled into the lot near a warehouse Above the wooden doors, thite , ani down the white cheek Mardi Grasand made sure not to let her car slow for even a second In her rearview mirror, she saw the driver cliuy Perseus did like to recruit thelanced up and he stared after her car

She didn’t accelerate Didn’t zoom out of there with a squeal of tires Jana just kept her speed nice and easy She took a left at the corner, aware that her heart was sla into her ribs She’d find a place to stash the car, then she’d go back for Zane

She knehere he was now Knew exactly where Perseus was

She s home? Time to raise a little hell

They took his blindfold off theshut behind him Zane blinked, and his eyes adjusted almost immediately to the darkness Handy little demon side effect The darkness never hindered his vision

Monsters surrounded hi frory Poseidon sprang forth from the sea, with his trident up and ready to attack

"It’s a float graveyard," the kid said, shrugging "Once the parades are over, you got to find solanced over at Nancy Her hands were twisted in front of her "I’ her again

"Davey can take you in the back He’ll introduce you to the folks who can help you" Her breath heaved out on a sigh "This is going to be good for you" Her face and voice seemed so sincere "This will be a whole neorld"

"I’ smile, then her head inclined toward the kid "Okay, Davey You take him back there, then you can come and drive me to the hospital"

Now that was odd "Why don’t you come with us?"

Fear flashed in her eyes, just for a ht There was plenty of air to breathe right there She turned away

Davey waited with his brows up "You ready?"

Hell, yes Zane rolled his shoulders He h the floats Dark,in the air

He heard the oing to get her air? Davey stopped and turned back to face hiuy pointed to another door on the left, a wooden one this ti finally

"Glad you’re here, man" Davey flashed a tired, lopsided smile "You’re … you’re like me Good to know I’m not the only one"

The only demon? Not even close

"My old man said I was evil" Davey’s chin lifted "I’m not We’re not We couldn’t help the ere born" No, they couldn’t

"We’re gonna change the world," Davey said with a quick nod "Make it soits recruits? Because how did killing good people at Night Watch make the world better?

Davey pushed open the door, and Zane got ready to kick ass

Getting inside the warehouse was easy Too easy Jana found a brokenon the left-hand side of the building and slipped right inside

Then she hesitated because really that should have been harder Especially if this was the new base ca how long it would take you to show up"

Lights flashed on, a blinding explosion of illumination that lit up the warehouse At the sarabbed Jana’s ared up, ready to burn--

The nurse slaet you, did you, Jana?" The smile on her face chilled Jana’s blood

Jana wrenched back, but she could already feel the drug sliding through her veins "How did--"

"I never forget a face" Footsteps pounded as others jumped from the shadows "And certainly not yours Guess you could say it’s burned into ht Jana stue She shoved the darkness back and deh Nancy had the syringe gripped tightly in her hand "Or rather, the hunter Zane?"


"Don’t worry We’ve got hie She felt the heat build in her body Build…

And fire shot across the warehouse, seee toward Poseidon

Come on, co doithout a fight The fire snaked forward and raced toward the two assholes in black ere lifting their guns toward her Oh, no, they should know better, they should--

Water burst fro waves of water that banked her fire even as she tried to stir it again

"We planned for your arrival," Nancy uards, she’d never forgotten theh the sh her blood Can’t be happening

Shit, so Next ti out just for number one

Next tie The asshole was closing in on her with his gun clutched in his fist

The guy slaht before her cheek hit the cement, she felt the fire escape, and she heard him scream