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"I’ it I toooooold you soooooo!" She finished on one knee, fanning her fingers dramatically
"The jazz hands are completely unnecessary," I told her "Especially since I am here as a customer Do you have any books on plants and the supernatural?"
"First of all, jazz hands on a vah to be appreciated under any circu up from her position at a speed that would have caused pere in a hu" She led me to the front of the store, between an old rack of Tales froe fraht at the old counter Jane had added several "fahout the shop with a careless touch, giving it a feeling of familiarity There was a picture of Jane and her human best friend, Zeb, who also happened to be Jolene’s husband Another showed Andrea and her husband, Dick Cheney, arguing over the espresso itated ly Christmas Sweater" Holiday Party This one included Jane’s darkly handsome husband, Gabriel, who see with bell-wearing elves Although she didn’t haveup the sales space Everything drew the customers in, made them feel connected and comfortable
I felt a bit envious of their little fa anytime I saw them But I didn’t have much time to spend with them I didn’t have much ti pizza and beer ht Out and Sunday brunch It was a sad, strange realization to know that a seventeen-year-old was your only real source of coi left for college? I would coht to an ea to buy supplies for procrastinated science-fair projects, no h-school soap operas A bizarre hollow sensation hadfor soently
I blew out a breath, nodding shakily "I’ll knohen I see it"
Jane grinned at me "My kind of book shopper"
She piled several books into my arms, from recent softcover editions to old linen-covered toht of them, so she helped me toddle toward the coffee bar I took a seat at the bar, wherefor me, and tried to determine which books I needed
"So, you’re taking your gardenin’ to a whole ’nother level?" Jolene asked as I immediately eli Plants of the A to read so a little more romantic next month I used their noisy, happy departure for an excuse not to reveal too much about Cal But as soon as the shop door closed, Jolene was back to looking at me expectantly
"Just a little research for a friend," I said, picking up Botanical Aro about botany, and he’s trying to find some inforarlic, for instance I’ve noticed that it does not, in fact, burn you alive, contrary to what The Lost Boys would have us believe"
"Well, that’s what you get for getting your vampire survival tips from Corey Feldman," Jane said archly
"It’s et close enough to Corey Feldman that you knohat his breath smells … oh, never mind" Jolene chuckled
Jolene was an odd duck She was beautiful in a fierce, exotic way--auburn hair, flashing green eyes, sharp white s replaced as Zeb’s "best girl" by soe … but then she consoled herself with the fact that Jolene’s braying backwoods twang could peel paint It was a senuinely nice girl
I opened a copy of Bizarre Botanicals and Their Uses I muttered, "Devil’s claw Bloodwort Marrow root Why do they insist on giving these plants such scary nah!"
She shuddered and slaot a look at eyeball plants"
"Jane has a thing about eyeballs," Jolene said, rolling hers
This started a good-natured argu Jane’s fear of clowns and puppets After a few minutes, I narrowed my choices to Imperfections of a Perfect Creature and The Natural Versus the Supernatural, a guide to the plants, metals, and minerals that had physical effects on supernatural creatures And A Guide to Ancient Poisons
"You would tellI sold you to kill soled ht consider it She threw a novelty voodoo doll at ht it was a novelty doll
"I’ll take them," I told her I pulled out my purse, but Jane snapped it shut and pushed it back into ood here"
"Jane, one of these books looks like an antique," I said, holding up Ancient Poisons, with its weathered green cloth cover
"You helpedwith ed to distractmy reception so she was unable to force-feed me cake You don’t pay here, ever"
"Thanks, Jane," I said, hugging her
"So, I was thinking," Jane said, squeezing o out for drinks soet to spend enough tiet used to ‘adult tiain"
I narrowedout with a ht, Heard that, too, huh?
She nodded
Know-it-all psychic
She grinned cheekily
Meanwhile, the spoken conversation around us continued, our cos