Page 38 (1/2)

Kahayatle Elle Casey 29770K 2023-08-31

As I passed by Peter I leaned behind Trip and said, "Be right back!"

I ignored Peter’s stark look of fear

Trip and I entered the eestured to the floor "Have a seat"

"I prefer to stand" I knew thathiround; there he had the advantage of size and weight Standing I had the element of surprise and my quick strike ability I hoped I wouldn’t need to use it, but if ht me to expect the unexpected and that the worst case was always a possible scenario

Trip moved to the center of the hut and then turned to look at me, his thumbs casually hooked in the band that went around his waist, the one that was holding up a cloth that hung down in front of his man-parts, covered in decorations I couldn’t tell if they were painted on or woven in - it was too dark to see details with only a little bit of the torchlight reaching in between cracks of the wall hangings I didn’t want to spend tooit for obvious reasons He wore leather breeches on his legs and moccasins, no shirt His muscled chest was painted like his face in reds and blacks He didn’t have the permanent tattoos that Kowi and his tribeshtly slouched over and it al his chest and abs a little I suy was al me who you are," he said

"My name’s Bryn Mathis I’m from the Orlando area Maitland"

"What about the other ones?"

"Bodo’s froram, and Peter’s from Sanford"

"Why are you in my swalades at this juncture "We came here to escape the canners - the cannibals that are out there"

He scoffed at that "Cannibals Yeah, right"

"Yeah, cannibals It’s the truth"

"Why should I believe you?"

"Because I have no reason to lie?"

"Sure you do"

"Oh yeah? Enlighten me"

"So you could coot news for you, Trip … there are at least fifty creatures probably within twenty feet of ht now Does that sound like sooes to live with if she has any other choice?"

"Not really"

"Exactly And I don’t go hanging around mosquito infested swamps so I can steal some soap"

He unhooked his thu else"

I raised an eyebrow "Please don’t be suggesting what I think you’re suggesting"

"What’s that?" he asked, giving uy, we both can see that But in case you didn’t notice, I brought one of those with raced with your awesoave me one courtesy chuckle "Well, that’s too bad, isn’t it?"


"Because these are o" His ser

"I’ll fight you for ‘em," I said, my tone low and controlled

He s?"

"You look like a hundred pound chick who doesn’t knohen to stop talking You’re no match for me" He clenched his fists and flexed his pecs - I’m not even totally sure it was intentional

"Then why say no if you’re not scared?"

"There’s nothing to be scared of," he said, co even closer I could s off the testosterone or what?

He continued in a softer buttone "I think you’re the one who should be scared You’re in this place, all alone withto be able to coet too close?" He was practically touchingat his sides He loomed over me, taller than ot the ie and the look in his eyes that this was a ga ae his ure out a way to deal with that if it happened The iht noas to not show any fear

I looked up at hiet too close, and I have to warn you, you’re al to have to take you down And I can proonna hurt"

He smiled, this time without malice "I like you Why is that?"