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Kahayatle Elle Casey 31620K 2023-08-31

"I wonder why the person didn’t take them when they left the car," I said

"Who knows?" said Peter "Maybe they got killed Maybe they’re co back soon We have no idea when this car was left here - it could have been earlier today"

I backed away froet the hell out of here" I pulled a lighter from the side pocket ofthe dial on the fuel tank to h to boil the s for the noodles I put the noodles in the water while it was still cold, allowing the a little starchier this way but I didn’t care Maybe it’ll help the sauce stick to the pasta better I was purposely focusing on the renades that were just five feet away fro the heavy-looking case

"What are you doing with that thing?" I asked

"Putting it on da trailer, of course"

"Do you really think we should take it?" I asked, looking froainst us so the to bury them somewhere"

"Bury dem? No way, don’t be crazy like dat We can use dese in case anyone coo get da military stuff Noe have some military stuff It’s perfect Don’t worry, it’s not a probleks"

I shookGeorge’s journal I et it out the next tietting a grasp on what type of situation we ht find ourselves in Maybe sorenades and defending ourselves against a crazed eneot back on the road, traveling for a full six hours before finally stopping to sleep We were nearly to our destination, the changing landscape around us beco more lush and wet Off in the distance we could see what looked like small bodies of water, and fewer instances of towns, at least on the west side of the highway

I pulled George’s journal out ofthe tarps down and over our things Peter was busy playing with Buster and laughing at his antics Bodo and I had an unspoken agree andand tired easier than we did He’d been really cool, trying to keep up, not wanting to slow us down We did e could to es of the journal randoe’s careful script that never seemed to falter or becoer than five ers had always been anized the book in any particular order It see things down as they came to mind In one section he talked about his friends - who he was serving with in the ar latrines - bathroouess

I read aloud so Bodo and Peter would be able to comment when I was done

"It is important to remember that attack can come from any side A smart enemy will approach from the place you are least likely to expect; this means, it could even come from your own friendly territory For this reason, it is important to shore up defenses in every direction, and expect the unexpected"

"Well, that’s encouraging," I said

"It’s goodt advices," said Bodo "We will need souess that’s why in all those war movies they have those towers at the prisons - so you can see anyone trying to escape no matter where they are And on pirate ships too"

"Yeah, but in the warthat’s blown up"

"Keep reading I like what dis guy is saying"

"If your manpower is low, due to injury or sih bodies to adequately guard your position Use whateversyste the most recent wars is land-mines"

"Too bad we don’t have any land-renades They can be attached to a wire that pulls da pin out I’ve see dat in several movies"

Peter nodded "Trip wires Totally done all the ti the critical piece - wire"

"We have clear fishing line," corrected Peter "I don’t think it has to beas we don’t need the stuff for fishing"

I went back to the book and flipped through soe

"One of the biggest proble, as you conteht strike Sometimes there is no intel and other ti is to use your free time wisely Train, train, train Practice hand-to-hand coaive in to the boredo Down this path lies insanity"

Those words sent chills upcrazy right now, all around us I don’t know if it’s boredo," said Peter

"You got that right," I agreed Canners came to mind, and Sissy and Jimmy too a little bit I could see how a life spent inside of a Cracker Barrel could lead soh the book so weapons and traps, but deciding to study the about dying, killing, and defending ht about the days whenabout?" asked Bodo, looking at me from across the tarp

I leaned over and shoved the book back into est concern used to be a che to die tos in perspective, doesn’t it?" asked Peter

"I don’t know Call me crazy, but I kindt of prefer dis world to da last one"

"Yeah No doubt about it," I said, "you’re crazy, alright"

"But don’t you agree? I mean, here we chust survife with our brains and it doesn’t matter who you know or how much money you haff You just work hard and think about hoorld works and you can survife You can make friends and it doesn’t matter what your clothes are or what kindt of car you are driving Da food is more healthy and da air and da water is better"<ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins>