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"Fine What are you, da i? I’m Cherman"
"Yes Dat’s what I said"
"What’s your na with our stuff?"
He smiled "You talk about your dok like he’ss a person"
"She’s not talking about the dog," said Peter fro," I corrected
"And Buster," said Peter, standing next to lad he decided to do that It looked a lot
"Okay, fine You are a party of three My nae progra with, dey all died Now de Internet iss down and I cannot reach my family I do not even know if dey are alife"
I leaned over to Peter and said in a loud whisper, "He means ‘alive’"
"Dat’s what I said," clarified Bodo "Alife"
Peter shook his head "Stop harassing the poor guy, Bryn He’s Gerlish, actually" Peter turned his attention back to Bodo, addressing him directly "Hello, Bodo Welcoot stuck here, but you should probably know that anyone in your country over the age of twenty and under the age of ten is dead now You’re probably stuck here for life unless you kno to sail"
"Wow Way to break it to hiher by the minute
"I know dis Efreyone is dead now I haf been on dis highway for days, looking for someone Anyone It wass crazy innorth There are cannibals up there"
"I call dem zombies," said Bodo "Dey haff de in West Pal
"You like zombies?" said Bodo Then he took a step back "If you are thinking about killingme, I will tell you dat it would be a mistake I am a lethal weapon" He held up his hands in a poor approxier at him He was absolutely adorable, but so full of crap it wasn’t even funny I could have been wrong, but I felt like to be a canner, you had to totally lose your sense of huuy still had his, whether he realized it or not
"We don’t eat people," said Peter "But we don’t have enough food to share right now"
"Oh, dat’s not a proble his backpack off his shoulder
I held up un "Not too fast, there, Bodo We’ve already killed souys who messed with us before"
He held up his hands, pal to show you ks"
He pulled can after can of raviolis and tuna out The last thing he took out was a tall container of Pringles
"Holy crap You have Pringles," I said, in a daze I hadn’t had a Pringle in over a year Norht now, it seeh Pringkles for a few more months Unless I share Den a little bit less" He sht, white teeth They were so not like the canner’s teeth I had seen
"Bodo, I have to warn you," said Peter, his voice sounding very serious and mature "Bryn here, really is a lethal weapon, so if you try anything funny, she will snap your neck She was trained by the Israeli Special Forces Do you agree not to steal any of our food or things if we let you stay with us tonight?"
Bodo nodded his head quickly "Oh yes, definitely Wow, dat’s impressif The Issraeli Special Forcess I will not touch anything And if you vant, oops, I mean want, I can play you ood" He s to improof my accent so I can blend in better For et me efreytime"
"Dude, trustyou, but it doesn’t matter to us if you have an accent And no, thanks, we don’t need to hear your harmonica We don’t want to attract any attention with music Maybe some other time"
"Yeah, sure No problem Chust tell me when you want to hear it and I will play it for you" He put all the cans back in his bag
"You stay over there," I said, directing Bodo to a spot about ten feet below us
"Okay, dat’s not a problem"
I leaned in and whispered to Peter "Did you hear that? It’s not a problem"
Peter rolled his eyes and whispered back "You are so n He can’t help it if he repeats the phrases he knows"
"I’ around His accent is cute"
"I know It totally is," said Peter, his voice taking on a dreaed him "I’m pretty sure he’s not your type"
"A boy can fantasize," he said nudginginto his sack "Do you guyss want sokles? I am happy to share" He held the can up behind his head
Peter looked at me nervously "Do you trust him?"
I shook my head "No The only ones I trust are you and Buster Hoe know he doesn’t have a gun or so?"