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Mine to Crave Cynthia Eden 35600K 2023-08-31

She’d made it at least a mile from the Arrow In her heels Da the path she’d taken

Jaset out of there but--

So nore her instincts And the tenseness at the base of her neck, that too-aware intensity, it told her that she was being followed through those Vegas alleyways

Was it that bozo who claimed to be a bounty hunter? Like she believed that BS

Was it Drake’s security guards? Drake?

No, she discarded that idea al after her hiuy claimed, then he would’ve watched the

So that left her with option three…the man who’d put her on Drake’s trail…he could be the one in the shadows She did not want to come face to face with hiuy know that she hadn’t et the inforainst a brick wall She strained, trying to listen desperately for a sign of her pursuer But the felloas good She’d give hi breaths No--

"Got you, sweetheart"

The rough words came from her left Jasmine rushed forward as the dark form of a man pulled away fro in his right hand She didn’t know if that glint was from handcuffs or from a knife, and Jasmine wasn’t in the mood to find out

She kicked off her shoes and sprinted for the safety of that as strip

The pavement bit into the botto behind her Ah, now there was the huffing breath If only he’d given away that sound earlier!

Jashtly lit street Horns honked Cars whizzed past She only had a few seconds lead on the guy She raised her hand "Taxi--"

He grabbed her hand and whirled her around in his arms Jasmine was pretty sure that she felt the sharp tip of a knife shove into her side

"You’re not getting away this time"

Her head turned, and her eyes met his Even in the darkness, she could see the evil twist of his lips

"No one’s gonna save you noeetheart"

That was the story of her life Good thing she’d learned to save herself

The knife pricked her side Jasasped

"This time, you’ll pay"


Drake saw her, on the side of the street A taxi was pulling away from the curb, as if she’d just tried to hail it

She was in a man’s arms It was too dark for Drake to see the ht onto Jasmine’s dark red hair He saw the back of her head, but he kneas her Sa wheel to the side, parking as quickly as he could

Jaslanced back, and Drake caught a glimpse of his face then

The jerk fro? Were the two running a scaling against him

"Stop!" Drake shouted as he hurried after theh He started rushing forward even harder, nearly dragging Jasuy’s face

He still didn’t let her go

They were heading for the alley, and Drake raced into that darkness too He wasn’t just--

"Man, you need to back off"

Drake stilled He couldn’t see the guy, but he had caught the flash of light A knife The SOB had a knife pressed to Jaso"

"I told you before…" The linted even more What had been the jerk’s naet away again She’s a wanted woman"

"And you have a knife to her side Drop it" Or Drake would drop that bastard

But Hardin just shook his head "It’s her eyes, isn’t it? You aren’t the first duet pulled in by them She looks all innocent, then you blink, and that innocence is gone If you gave her the chance, she’d rob you blind, just like she did to the others"

"Help me…" Jasmine’s voice was so low that Drake had to strain in order to hear it "Please"

"I wanted to explain before," Hardin said, his words rolling right over her soft plea, "but you didn’t give me a chance I’m a bounty hunter She’s wanted in Texas--"

"No, I’ her back I’ that’s owed to s apart He kept his hands loose at his sides "The first thing you’re going to do is drop the knife"

Hardin laughed "Seriously? Dumbass, we’re not in your casino anyht, but carefully staying away from the street So no one else will see you’re a bastard with a knife against a wooons aren’t here, and a useless playboy like you sure doesn’t scare me"

Drake almost smiled at that He was far, far froht He’d seen ine

"First, you drop the knife," Drake said "Then you let her go"

"I’onna be my payday!"

"Then…" Drake said, because he wanted to be clear "I’ to hurt you Because I think you hurt her" That knife was far too close to Jas to pay for that"

"You fucked her," Hardin said with certainty "You fell for the eyes, you fucked her, and now you want uy’s storunted and his hold eased on her When his hold eased, Jasht toward Drake

She ran straight into his arms

And she seemed to…fit

"Sonofabitch…" Hardin snarled as he leapt after her

Drake pushed Jasmine behind his back He kept his focus on Hardin "I told you what to do…I gave you a chance…" Now he’d just take care of things His way

Hardin lunged at hiuy still had the knife in his hand A quick chop and Drake sent that knife falling froers

First order…drop the knife

Drake kicked the knife aside "Bounty hunters don’t drive a knife into women That’s not the way their business works"

Jasmine was silent behind hiaze off his current prey

Hardin swung at hiht--and held--in his fist

"J-just a little…" Jasmine whispered back