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"All right," she said "But when you ask hiive hi I eat or drink?"

Mel smiled "I’ll be sure to tell him that"

"And can I ask a favor?"

"Sure Ask away"

"Any chance you have an older sister?"

"I certainly do"

"Well, so do I--Erin Elizabeth Our mother died when I was only four and our dad when I was fifteen Erin’s seven years older and took coood person, if a little on the bossy side She was ada for Ian by myself In the end there wasn’t ht argue that Our compromise was that I check in every couple of days and, believe me, she’s more than ready for me to call off the hunt Erin doesn’tSometimes a little hard to take…"

"Well, I have an older sister who can fill that bill And heavens, you saw Jack!"

Marcie smiled "I saw Yes, I suppose you can relate I need someone to call Erin, tell her that I found Ian, that I’ with him for a little while If you could just explain he has no phone, so I’ll call her the next tiive her a little peace of mind"

"Is that the extent of your family?" Mel asked

"Yes," she said "Me and Erin and our brother, Drew But I also have my late husband’s faone now, they won’t ever give me up I’m far from alone, believe me If I write down the nu with your idea, I’ll be glad to," Mel said

"We don’t have to tell her I got sick Do we?"

"Oh, Marcie, I don’t like stretching the truth," Mel said

"Well--you don’t tell patient business And you do think I’ll be just fine, don’t you?"

Mel etting around your sister?"

"You have to think fast around Erin She’s brilliant"

"Bottoe "I’ll give you soh ht ood for a day or so Listen to your body and rest when you’re tired A lot of sleep and fluids al or washing clothes in the creek You’ll come around pretty quick, I bet"

"But I can use the outdoor rather than the chah it’s cold?"

"Of course Cold doesn’t make you sick, it makes you cold Bundle up anyway, and make it quick"

"You probably don’t have to recommend that…Have you ever felt the seat of an outhouse in Deceet trained in how to flush when I was a young man," Doc said "Gets you down to business real quick, now, doesn’t it?"

"Marcie, if you need us, send Ian I’ll coet you--no questions asked," Mel said

"Thank you, that’s sweet"

"Good luck"

Ian was pacing in front of the Hummer when Mel and Doc came out of the cabin Mel paused to speak with Ian, as she had said she would She took note of how ragged he was, how unkerown, but then ers wouldn’t be wearing their best duds on a workday She was used to seeing this type of wardrobe out here, and it didn’t always i She had spied the tub in the room; he kept himself and his cabin clean and he certainly wasn’t thin He was plenty well-nourished, a big man