Page 14 (1/2)

Envy JR Ward 34760K 2023-08-31

When the following ht before her alarood or a bad thing

She&039;d been in the middle of an erotic dream, one that had put her and Veck back on the kitchen table Except there had been no pizza interruptus this time She&039;d ended up totally naked, with Veck on top of her, the two of them on a wild ride that -

Her clock&039;s buzzer started yapping like a Yorkie

"Shut Up"

As she silenced the da" on the early wake up Even though her body felt cheated, those were hardly the io into HQ with

Shower Blow-dry Dress - hite cotton underneath her clothes, thank you very , she was in her car and heading into work just in time to hit the traffic on the Northway And what do you know, being stuck in gridlock with hundreds of othercommuters was exactly the kind of forced introspection she didn&039;t need

God, ht about so much: Brush your teeth and floss before bed even when you&039;re exhausted; wear a hat when it&039;s cold even if you think you look like an idiot; eat your veggies even if they&039;re boring, because you need the fiber and the vitaet involved with coworkers even if they are hot as hell and haveat a snail&039;s pace, herthrough it as she&039;d woken up, and the night when the sex had stopped short and sanity returned

Talk about your polar opposites -

When her phone went off, the first thing she thought was, Please let it not be my mom The pair of them were clos but they&039;d never had a psychic connection, and noas not theto start

Except the screen wasn&039;t showing home "Detective de la Cruz?" she said as she answered

"Morning, Officer How are you?"

Frustrated On so many levels "Stuck in traffic Yourself?"

"Same crap, different direction"

"You have coffee?"

"Better believe it You?"

"Yup So this is al at the office"

There was a sipping sound and then a s "So I have news"

"And here I thought you were calling just to say good "

"Kroner&039;s turned around"

Her grip on the wheel tightened "Define &039;turned around&039; "

"His doctors just calledchanged His vitals are steady and strong, and get this: He&039;s frickin&039; conscious"

"HolyI have to talk to him"

"They&039;re not prepared to acco us to send one representative over there And it&039;s oes in"

"Why the hell not?"

"You are his target White woman, in her twenties - "

"I&039;et farther with a man - "

"I can handle hiet distracted by all the things he wants to do to you"

Well, wasn&039;t that a grueso you shouldn&039;t get with him It&039;s just this could be our one and only shot to hear his side of things I don&039;t trust things that can&039;t be explained, and his doctor doesn&039;t have a clue why the bastard is still alive - much less awake"

Reilly cursed, but it wasn&039;t like she couldn&039;t see his point Besides, he wasn&039;t a chauvinist

Then again, there could be another angle - although she felt like a shit for bringing it up "Any chance you don&039;t want me to hear what he has to say about DelVecchio?"

"I a Veck If he committed a crime, he will be dealt with just like anyone else - trust ets out so you can follow up Okay?"

It was hard to doubt the logic, and impossible to doubt the "

"You will, Officer I swear it on my mother"

"Callup, she tossed the phone onto the eood news, she supposed, was that they were going to find out what the hell had happened in those woods - theoretically Serial killers were not necessarily known for candor when they were finally caught

Changing lanes and putting her directional signal on, she got ready ttake her exit And once she was off the highway, she h it turned out the delay with the traffic had been a good thing When the graceless heft of headquarters finally looet to work - and see Veck

They&039;d had one slipup Fine But it didn&039;t have to be repeated, and she wasn&039;t going to let it affect the job she did There was a lot at stake, and she was not about to be distracted or get sloppy and unprofessional just because she was attracted to her partner

Sissy Barten, and the other victims, deserved so much better than that And the likes of Kroner required nothing less