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Goldfinger Ian Fle 35650K 2023-08-31

The noise in Bond's ear was so between a hiss and a shrill whistle There was a dry, twanging thud The alu bird's wings in front of Bond's eyes The shaft of the arrow straightened The gold ring tinkled down the shaft until it reached the bark of the tree

Slowly, almost incuriously, Bond turned his head

Ten yards away - half in ure crouched, its legs widely straddled in the judo stance The left ar seht hand, holding the feathers of the second arroas rigid against the right cheek Behind the head, the taut right elbow lanced back in frozen suspense The silver tip of the second arrow pointed exactly between the two pale raised profiles

Bond breathed the words, 'Don't ood shot'

Oddjob jerked the tip of the arroards

Bond got to his feet, shielding the girl He said softly, out of the corner of hiscasually, peaceably, 'Nice place Mr Goldfinger has here Want to have a ith hiht tell hiirl, 'Coet back to the hotel' He took a step away from Oddjob towards the fence

Oddjob sta to the centre of Bond's ston' Oddjob jerked his head sideways and doards towards the house

'Oh, you think he'd like to see us now? All right You don't think we'll be disturbing hi'

Bond led the way to the left of the tree, away frorass

As they went slowly down the hill, Bond talked softly to the girl, briefing her 'You're land Seem surprised and interested by our little adventure We're in a tough spot Don't try any tricks' Bond jerked back his head 'This rily, 'If only you hadn't interfered'

'Same to you,' said Bond shortly He took it back 'I'm sorry, Tilly Didn't ot aith it'

'I had ht'

Bond didn't answer Soht his eye On top of the tall chiain It was that that had spotted them -heard the of tricks this er Had he un? No Bond knew that even his split-second draouldn't have beaten the Korean - wouldn't do so now There was a total deadliness about this man Whether Bond had been ar a tank

They reached the courtyard As they did so, the back door of the house opened Two ht have been the servants froh the war polished sticks 'Stop!' Both rin that men from Station J, who had been in Japanese prison camps, had described to Bond 'We search No trouble or' Thelash of his stick 'Hands up!'

Bond put his hands slowly up He said to the girl, 'Don't react whatever they do'

Odd job ca the search The search was expert Bond coldly watched the hands on the girl, the grinning faces

'Okay Coh the open door and along a stone-flagged passage to the narrow entrance hall at the front of the house The house srant and summery There hite-panelled doors Oddjob knocked on one of them


Oddjob opened the door They were prodded through