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And the operator looked up Winter in the passenger list and put the e in an envelope and sent it down to a cabin on A deck, the deck below Bond and the girl, where two in-rummy in their shirt-sleeves, and as the steward left the cabin he heard the fat man say cryptically to the man hite hair, "Whaddya know, Booful! It’s twenty Grand for a rub these days, Boy-oh-boy!"
It was not until the third day out that Bond and Tiffany e and later to have dinner in the Veranda Grill At midday the weather was dead calot a pereirlish hand on a sheet of the ship’s writing paper It said, ‘Fix a rendez-one at once to the telephone
They were thirsty for each other’s company after the three days’ separation, but Tiffany’s defences were up when she joined hi semi-circular cocktail bar in the bows
"What kind of a table’s this?" she inquired sarcastically "You asha? Here I put on the best those Hollywood pansies can dreaold 19141 want to have myself some fun on this old paddleboat and you put "
"That’s about it,", said Bond "All you want to do is put the other irl to do on the Queen Elizabeth? Fish?"
Bond laughed He signalled to the waiter and ordered Vodka dry Martinis with leive you one alternative"
"Dear Diary," said the girl, "having wonderful tilishman Trouble is, he’s after my family jewels What do I do? Yours truly, puzzled" Then suddenly she leant over and put her hand on his "Listen, you Bond person," she said "I’ with you And I love this nice dark table where no one can see et over being so happy Don’ta heavy crea silk shirt and a charcoal skirt in a cotton-and-wool mixture The neutral colours showed off her café-au-lait sunburn The small square Carder watch with the black strap was her only jewellery and the short fingernails on the small brown hand that lay over his were un-painted The reflected sunlight fro swerve of her hair, in the depths of the chatoyant grey eyes, and on the glint of white teeth between the luxurious lips dial were half open with her question
"No," said Bond "No, I won’tabout you’s fine"
She looked into his eyes and was satisfied The drinks came and she withdrew her hand and observed hilass
"Now tell s," she said "First of all, what do you do and who are you working for? At the beginning, in the hotel, I thought you were a crook But soone out the door I knew you weren’t Guess I should have warned ABC and we’d have avoided a lot of fuss But I just, didn’t Co"
"I work for the Govern"
"Sort of secret agent?"
"Just a Civil Servant"
"Okay So what are you going to do with et to London? Lock me up?"
"Yes In the spare room of my flat"
"That’s better Shall I become a subject of the Queen like you? I’d rather like to be a subject person"
"I expect we could fix that"
"Are you ?"
"No I occasionally have affairs"
"So you’re one of those old-fashionedomen Why haven’t you ever married?"
"I expect because I think I can handle life better on ether They subtract one froht this over "Maybe there’s so in that," she said finally "But it depends what you want to add up to So inhuman You can’t be complete by yourself"
"What about you?"
The girl hadn’t wanted the question "Maybe I just settled for the inhuman," she said shortly "And who in hell do you think I should have married? Shady Tree?"