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Requiem Jamie McGuire 40250K 2023-08-31

"Do you have a point, Ryan?" Jared said

"Coovernment, in addition to seven police officers have co Kit Anderson Grahht twenty-three deaths were reported in Rhode Island and Massachusetts

Al GSW’s"

Jared laughed once "You’re not tel ingI don’t know, Ryan"

"Exactly How do you know this information unless you are responsible for forty-one deaths?"

"Whoa! You are way off, Ryan," I said, shocked at his conclusion

Ryan leaned into the"You knohat I think? I think the cops were dirty, and that they and those dead officials are part of soot mixed up in it somehow There’s no way you could have kil ed twenty-three people at the same time in two different states, so I think they lied about what happened You with rinned, amused with Ryan’s story "I’m with you You’re ful of crap, but I’m with you"

"I think everyone that’s dead is a threat to you somehow because they know too much about whatever it is that you do The question is, how much is too much? And how much more can Claire tel hed out loud "You should ease up on the cop shows, Ryan Now, if you don’tto do"

"Wait," Ryan said "You’re not enuine surprise on his face

"We’ve been busy," I said, embarrassed

Jared’s jaw tensed "The date has been set June first We’l be sure to send you an invitation…that is if I haven’t taken you out, yet"

The wheels spun against the wet snow, but the Escalade didn’t move "Da Ryan to jerk back, and disappeared behind the vehicle The snow drift keptout on my side, so I cliround

"What are you doing?" I asked Jared

"Digging the truck out It’l be just a minute, Sweetheart," he assured me

"Do you want help?" Ryan asked

"No," Jared said quickly

I turned to Ryan, crossing my arms "You don’t real y think Jared is responsible for your partner’s death, do you?"

"If he is, Kit’s not the first cop he’s kil ed There is a single connection tying every single one of those deaths together Maybe you could talk your boy into keeping his gun in his holster until I figure it out Or maybe you could just teloffense

"I sahat Jared is capable of the night I was stabbed I’ve experienced first hand what Claire can do They aren’t…normal I know Grahoodme like I can’t keep a secret and just tel me"

I looked past Ryan to see Jared stand up, look around, and then lean against the Escalade, freeing it from the ruts without effort

"Okay, Baby We’re out Let’s go"

Ryan walked to the Escalade, evaluating the slide oing to figure this out It would save us al a lot of tio, Nina," Jared said

I nodded, cli into the cab

"Maybe I could help you Have you thought about that?" Ryan said

Jared took off, leaving hihter around me and stuffed my hands under my arms "It wouldn’t hurt to have a connection in the police department"

"Not Ryan," Jared said

"You sure talk a lot of s with your e objective at al !"

Jared ignoredto dig the snow out from under her buried tires

A short drive around town turned into a three hour- long aid mission to free stranded motorists from the ice and snoould pretend to help, and Jared would pul or push cars and trucks out of snow drifts, ditches, and the side of the road

It felt good to use Jared’s abilities to help others; even if it was so smal

When we returned to the house, Claire’s Lotus was in the drive, along with a police cruiser

"I don’t believe it," Jared said, helping h the snow to the side entrance, and then stoh the house until he found them

They sat in the kitchen at the breakfast table, laughing Claire seeht

"How long have you two been here?" Jared demanded

Claire’s smile faded "Don’t worry, I waited for you I told Ryan you’d tel hiht he needed to know"

"No questions asked," Ryan promised

Jared’s hand bal ed into fists at his side, and the tendons in his neck were strained It took every ounce of wil power he had not to charge

"I’rowled "Leave, before I do soret"

He turned his back to Claire, and she ju the palms of my hands on Jared’s chest "Sit, cal to Claire and Ryan "Let’s just sit down and hear theo"

Jared took a deep breath, and then nodded, taking a seat across fro h, turning to Ryan "Anything Jared tel s you is privileged information, Ryan Nina has lied to you, to her best friends, to her falanced at e to have In this case, ignorance is bliss I recommend you walk away, but it’s your decision"

Ryan met Claire’s eyes "I’’s first" She grabbed his shirt and ripped it open, popping off the buttons

"Hey!" Ryan said, holding up his hands

"Standard procedure," she said, pul ing up his white tank top underneath, bearing his chest She ran her fingers down each side, and then around his back

"Co at each of us

"I kil ed your partner," Claire said, expressionless

"What?" Ryan said His eyebrows turned in, and he shifted nervously in his chair

"Just get right to the point, Claire," Jared said, shaking his head in disapproval

"Why would you kil Kit? He was a goodoff

"He set you up He asked you tofor someone named Donovan could kidnap you, and ultimately use you as bait"

Ryan shook his head "No Kit wouldn’t do that"

"Then he was forced He has kids They probably threatened to kil them if he didn’t cooperate"

Ryan’s shoulders fel"So you were protecting me"