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Blood Reunion Connie Suttle 32200K 2023-08-31

"We believe that the one who did this also is responsible for relocating Willow," Belen added "He is currently on Morningsun I think he will be acting as advisor to King Brandelin and his brother"

"And the fact that he holds poon’t go aht?"

"He is confused, just as Corent is, but he will be a good fit where he is Another of the Mighty is responsible for this, Lissa Do you knohat that ht--soaze into their depths His eyes were now dark and troubled Both of us knew about one of the Mighty already Belen was saying that another had come

"What does it mean?" My breath hitched as I watched Belen’s face

"When all three appear, the god ill come," Belen whispered "That information cannot leave this roood wars Anyone who knew of the Mighty also knew of the i to all the echelons holding poould break away and ar against those ould try to hold the universes together and steady against thehty would be hidden when they were thrust into a hu the corporeal was the only way the three would be allowed to interfere Without the could be destroyed

It was at that moment, too, that the baby moved My eyes widened and my hand went to my belly

"The child is Gavin’s son," Belen announced before disappearing abruptly

Gavin rose with me in his ar beforehis arms around my waist Until that moment, I’d never seen Gavin weep These were tears of joy

Chapter 16

"Young ones," Master Morwin began, "Many things happened that night"

Toff was still struggling to understand any of it, and he, like Tory and Ry, hadn’t been given the full tale They realized this, too Perhaps they would learn more from Morwin

Theyfros at Grey House, so Toff’s lessons had beenwith his father rasp that all the Fae were dead except Corent and Father Willow Queen Lissa referred to Corent and Willow’s survival as a miracle and refused to talk about it Corent had been at the palace for two days beforerepairs Toff had visited with Corent while he was at the palace, but Corent still seemed confused by the ordeal and hadn’t talkedDad to tell me what that reat miracle, all of its own," Morwin nodded, his bushy eyebroriggling animatedly "I hear that your Uncle Thurloent to speak with Willow on Morningsun, but he is quite confused and remembers little of what happened Corent, sadly is , Master Morwin?" Tory asked

"Very little Yourfor ht they were strong enough to do this deed Perhaps a few Larentii s that I know The Fae are iants This was a foolish attempt, and had they consulted the Queen, I’m sure she would have told the his head "I learned that from Corent He didn’t think the Queen knew that Gren tapped the core, and they wanted to make the repairs before she found out Tiearan said they owed her a debt, and they wanted to pay it"

"Young one," Morwin ca you to never say that to the Queen She will feel guilt over it, and that should not be None of this is her fault Surely you can see that"

"I do," Toff nodded "Papu says the same I only say that here, because I know you will protect the information And the Queen"

"I will protect the inforree?" Morwin turned to Tory and Ry

"Dad says the same," Tory nodded "He knows"

"My dad does, too," Ry said "Moood," Morwin’s eyebrows danced "Now, shall we turn to the geography of Wyyld? There are unexplored mountains and forests there, did you know?"

"I don’t care that the core has been healed When we attack, and ill soon, ill tap it again It was probably those fool Larentii she has following her around like lapdogs," Zellar snapped at Tandias’ report

"I trust this one will not be as clumsy as he was before?" Tandias turned dark eyes on Gren, who cowered before the strange Ra’Ak "I know you take pleasure in the deaths that resulted fro, but it also alerted the Queen to the fact that her planet had been tapped Had it been done smoothly, we could have continued to drain the core without her knowledge" Tandias was angry and barely holding that anger back If he didn’t feed soon, these two ht make a useful one unnoticed," Zellar muttered "I will discipline this one," he jerked his head in Gren’s direction Gren backed against a bare, stone wall, frightened immediately

Lissa’s Journal

"Lissa, I had second and third thoughts before bringing this one to you" Aurelius, golden-haired bear that he is, stood inside ripped in one of his large hands Aurelius had recently learned that he would be a grandfather As Gavin’s sire, he claimed that honor "You asked me to let you know if Narissa s He has another tale to tell, however" Aurelius shook the Elerip

"What tale is that?" I asked, staring at the Eleuard for Friesianna--I knew that fro skills and mindspeech didn’t affect the child; I could use those talents whenever I wanted<ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins>