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Page 59 (1/2)

"But Morter at de Quincey," said Jem, and his voice was heavy "Nathaniel Gray, Will Tessa’s brother When two people tell the saether," Will finished He felt, for aalmost like satisfaction, which quickly faded He had disliked Nate Gray, had hated the way Tessa had treated hi, and then he’d despised himself for his own jealousy To know that he had been correct about Nate’s character was one thing, but at what price?

Mrs Dark laughed, a high, whining sound "Nate Gray," she spat "The Magister’s little hu He sold his sister to Mortmain, you know Just for a handful of silver, he did it Just for a few sops to his vanity I would never have treated my own sister so And you say it is de fronored her; hisDear God, that whole story of Nathaniel’s about de Quincey had been a trick, a lie to set the Clave off on a false track Then why have Mortet rid of us, Jeri with Charlotte and Henry He had to i quickly e stayed behind Thus Mortmain and this extra trickery Nate had been in it with Mort

And now Tessa is in the Institute with him Will felt sick to his stomach He wanted to turn and run out the door, race back to the Institute, and beat Nathaniel’s head against a wall Only years of training, and fear for Henry and Charlotte, kept him where he was

Will whirled on Mrs Dark "What is his plan? What will the Enclave find when they reach Carleton Square? Certain slaughter? Answer el, I will make sure that the Clave tortures you before you die What is his plan for them?"

Mrs Dark’s yellow eyes flashed "What does the Magister care about?" she hissed "What has he ever cared about? He despises the Nephilim, but what is it that he wants?"

"Tessa," said Jem immediately "But she is safe in the Institute, and even his blasted clockwork army can’t break inside Even without us there--"

In a wheedling voice Mrs Dark said, "Once, when I was in the Magister’s confidence, he spoke to me of a plan he had to invade the Institute He planned to paint the hands of his mechanical creatures with the blood of a Shadowhunter, thus allowing him to open the doors"

"The blood of a Shadowhunter?" Will echoed "But--"

"Will" Jem had his hand at his chest, where the clockwork creature had torn the skin that night on the steps of the Institute "My blood"

For aat his friend Then, without a word, he turned and raced for the dining rooe, followed As they reached them, the doors sla halt He spun to see Jeraasped between peals "Stupid, stupid Nephiliel now?"

As they stared, enor up the curtains covering the s, shies of the floor The flareen color, and the se the cat was going wild, throwing itself against the bars again and again and howling

Will drew a second seraph blade froht burst frohed

"When the Magister sees your charred corpses," she cried, "then he will forgive hter rose, high and horrible Already the roo his sleeve to cover hisvoice, "Kill her Kill her, and the fire will die"

Will, his grip tight on the hilt of Anael, growled, "Don’t you think I would if I could? She’s in the pentagra "Will, cut it down"

Because it was Je told explicitly Spinning to face the pentagra the blade--not toward the demon but up toward the thick metal chain that supported the h the chain like a knife through paper, there was a rending sound, and the demon had time only to screa colass Will threw his arm across his eyes as debris rained over thements of crystal, and chunks of rust The floor shook underneath hi

When all was quiet at last, he opened his eyes The chandelier lay like the wreck of some immense ship twisted and destroyed at the bottoe, and frolass and reenish black blood threaded across the one Jeazing at the wreckage His already pale hair had whitened further with plaster dust, and his cheeks were streaked with ash "Nicely done, William," he said

Will did not reply; there was no ti the doors--which opened easily under his hands noide, he raced out of the room

Tessa and Sophie flew up the Institute’s steps together until Sophie gasped, "Here! This door!" and Tessa flung it open and burst into the corridor beyond Sophie pulled her wrist out of Tessa’s grasp and spun to slam the door shut behind theainst it for ahard, her face streaked with tears