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Page 32 (1/2)


"You didn't have to rent a car I was fine with the bike," I told Tripp again e pulled out of the car rental parking lot

"Yeah, I did Trust uing with him about it He had been detere his mind I leaned back in the seat and stared out the ould be in Roseo to Woods's house or if I would go to a hotel Maybe I could call Bethy There was always Tripp's condo I could ask him for one last favor I'd asked hiht to Woods's place?" Tripp asked

"UmI don't know Maybe I shouldn't blindside hio see him tomorrohile he's in his office That way I won't have to just show up at his house in case" I couldn't bring myself to say in case he's with so cold feet now? Can't do that You want to get your et him"

"I'm not sure if that's the way I should do it"

Tripp shifted in his seat and cleared his throat "Okay Picture this: Woods is at his house with another woone long enough for that She's gonna get to sleep in his bed, where you belong, tonight Unless you march up to his door and take back yourin Woods's bed and touching him made me physically ill No He was mine She couldn't touch hi fired up, aren't you? Ready to take back what belongs to you? I think it's about daht when he would rather be with you She's just filler"

He was right Woods wasn't in love with her He had been in love with ain I could show hiht for it I would get hiht except forI'd make her leave

"Take me to Woods," I told hiirl You got this," he said

I sure hoped I did If not, Ia complete fool out of myself

When ere ten hts

"Maybe I should just go to your place tonight"

Tripp let out a short laugh "Uh, yeah, no Woods is already going to want to hurtyou back to Rosemary and take you to irl"

"Della, do I have to give you another pep talk? Because I will You can do this You cah to come back and face this It's tiht I kneas, but I was scared of what seeing Woods with someone else would do to me I'd co lunatic in front of hiirl he had gotten rid of

"He's gonna want to see you I know you don't believe that but he will I's"

"He may want to see me, just not when he has another" I couldn't say it

"Reht You're back"

I nodded Right I was going to take back as ht like hell

"Okay Hurry before I change ain"

"Two more minutes," Tripp said with a smile

Those two minutes felt like hours When Tripp finally pulled into Woods's driveway I almost ith relief to see that his truck and my car were the only two vehicles there That didn't ht someone there The "she" in my et him," he said

I couldn't talk I was too nervous I just nodded and opened the car door and stepped out I hadn't even asked Tripp if he was staying and waiting on et his motorcycle I couldn't think about that now

I closed the door behind me and moved toward the stairs

Then he drove away I turned back to see Tripp pulling back onto the street He stuck his hand out of theand waved good-bye before speeding off He'd just left me there

I looked back to the front door and took a deep breath Woods was in there I was going to plead with hi to ht

The lights in the house were off All I could see was a diht Please, God, don't let it be candlelight I gripped the railing as I walked up the stairs to the front door He was never in bed this early Maybe he isn't here Maybe he's with Jace

I reached the top step and stood there staring at his bedrooht I was seeing there It was flickering light This was a bad idea


It wasn't

He wasto let soht up her ass

I closed the distance between me and the door and knocked several times, then stood back and waited If it took a while, thatopen and there he stood He had on a pair of khaki shorts and a white button-up shirt The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows I loved it when he hite His dark skin was startling in white I sucked in a deep, fast breath at the sight of hi at each other It had been almost three weeks since I'd left It felt like forever since I'd seen his face

"Hi," I ed to croak out

"Hi," he replied, still standing in the doorway, looking like a beautiful fallen angel Who had he gotten dressed up for? My nose caught a scent fro In the dark?

"Can I come in?" I asked

He stepped back so I could enter the house I didn't see her yet But I smelled the food Maybe she isn't here yet

"Are you expecting so back at him