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Chapter Twenty-One


Eating dinner with Cage while he was being char out of his way to make me smile was niceand hard I shouldn’t have asked hio to the barn I should’ve been a big girl and dealt with it But I was so tired that night I hadn’t slept the night before, and although the doctor said the sleeping pills he gave me were safe for the baby, I didn’t trust thee to stay I kneould feel safe with him there As stupid as it was, I wanted to know that he was in the rooht, asleep Even after he’d hurt e He was the father ofto co around this thing between us At so to have to force myself to talk to him about those photos And that--I took a deep breath--video Pain always sliced through e was a player He liked women I had known that the first time I let him kiss me His sexy smirk and beautiful body had caused me to throw all common sense out theand fall in love with him

I had paid for that I put a hand over ht have brought iven ain after Josh And now that I needed soain to lean on, there he was Could we be friends? Was that even possible?

I watched as he put the last pot into the dishwasher and his shirt pulled up from his waist to flash ht above his a botto a bite of his ass Slanced back at me

When I felt his eyes on aze off his exposed skin and turned to walk into the living roo up You didn’t have to do that," I said as casually as I could e

I took the quilt fro h froe step into the room out of the corners of my eyes, but I reached for the television re the channels I couldn’t look at hi me off now or can I watch some television with you?" There was no humor in his voice, so I chanced a peek at hi his ass like I wanted a bite Because we both kneas a fan of his backside

"Sure Anything in particular you wanna watch?" I asked, forcing a seto see where he was going to sit When he lowered himself to sit inches away from me on the sofa, I continued to holdfor the quilt covering me from toe to neck Before I could protest, he had one ofoff h I already knew

"Exactly what it looks like," he replied This tirin was on those full lips of his


Cage began ht spot He knew I loved having my feet rubbed, and he knew exactly where to rub them and how He’d done this hundreds of times before My body instantly relaxed under his touch I couldn’t control it

"’Cause you’ve been on your feet all day ’Cause I like touching you And because younoises while I do it"

I didn’t lift aze from my foot in his hand to look at his face His eyes were on oing to look at him This was tooforme around until both ofulped I started to push the quilt down to cover s and he stoppedyou in e moved a hand upave in and aze "I only have one pair They need to be washed"

Cage set you some more"

"That’s not necessary"

"Yeah, I think it is"

This wasn’t good "Cage," I said in a stern voice

"Eva," he replied, grinning now

He was really hard to get s feel heavenly "What are you doing? Why are you doing it?" I asked

"I think I already answered that question, sweetheart," he drawled

I let out a frustrated sigh and tried to convince o to bed Buthis ministrations too much Damn body was a traitor

"Just relax, baby I’ht I swear, all I’onna touch is your feet and calves"

I studied him asincere And this felt really good So I gave in and lay back on the sofa and pulled the cover underexactly what he said they were going to do, and ot heavier with each second that passed


She was asleep She had been for at least thirty minutes, but I still continued to rub her feet I wasn’t ready to stop touching her yet She alsoloved those

Tonight had been a success My chest felt lighter She’d let me stay She’d wantedfeeling in the world Watching her laugh while she ate dinner had alain Almost

I reached for her discarded socks and slipped the her wars for her to tuck her feet under to keep them warm, she’d have to wear socks The ache was back I wanted to be the one war her cold feet

She wasn’t there yet I had to believe she would be one day Until then I had this She was allowing ain That would help me My only weakness hen she looked atatsolad she bolted from the kitchen I’d needed a second to catch my breath Eva’s sweet o weak and o hard