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To everyone who keeps hanging in there: Darla, Sherry, Mary, and Teresa Merrilee,up Susan, hts Everyone at Marvel orks on the Anita Blake comic series A team, at last Shaho answered nearly endless questions about police work, and when he didn&039;t know the answers, admitted it and helpedour backs in Vegas Robin, who helped calm me down Blessed be Thanks to Kathy, who helped us out at the last Wolf Howl Charles, we&039;llyou at all the events, but lifeyour degree Daven and Wendi, thanks for the hospitality and the hugs Sharon Shinn, because no one else understands the panic To all the rest of the Alternate Historians: Deborah Millitello, Toood writers, what as Metro SWAT, thanks to all of you, because I was told that it&039;s about the teaue with a team that works this well Thanks to Bill, Alane, Nicole, and REM, who showed us around the Clark County Coroner&039;s office It was great as; you all made us feel very welcome Thank you Any mistakes in the book are mine and mine alone, because there wasn&039;t time for everyone to read over the as helped keep the mistakes to a miniht as that
The ties gave,
And he learned of finalities
Besides the grave
- From "The Impulse" by Robert Frost (The Hill Wife, 1922)