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"How’s Mikey?"
"Better They aren’tin there, too But…" He paused, and I steeled myself for bad news "Willow Harris didn’tquite a workout today"
I couldn’t help but re brown eyes Tears blurredwheel Da out of the antibiotic, and that they’ll have to scrah, but I was seething that they illing to let others die, too "They’re lying I was calling to tell you about a vision a powerful psychic I know had Glinda and the drugs are hiding in the sa ready to ship them out of the country I swear I’ve been to that warehouse before, but I just can’t reht now to get the memory corruption spell re silence When he finally spoke it was very quietly, his voice intense, but controlled "We need those drugs, now You do whatever it takes to make that happen Whatever it takes And when you find the bitch responsible for this…"
"Hey, why tell uys, Rizzoli I don’t plan on running into her at all"
"Yeah? We’ll see about that Let’s call it a hunch you see her before I do"
He hung up without saying another word Just as well MyI’d had too many shocks today It didn’t see out with Dawna, let alone sunset of the same day
Sunset … the realization hit h er, and need I hadn’t eaten, hadn’t even thought about eating I froze with my hand on the door handle My chest started to heave like I’d run a o back to the car, check and see if there were any shakes or baby food in the trunk I should But I didn’t want to I wanted to go through those doors and find the nearest source of fresh blood I wanted to stalk my prey until the adrenaline filled their system and take them down I could feel them inside, feel their tiny lives that could be mine
My hand pulled so I could explore and a burst of chilled air hitline of drool from my chin before it dripped down o of the door handle I forced myself back to the car I could do this I would do this But it was so hard Part of the problem was physical The food in the trunk would take care of that The other part was e at what Glinda had done to innocent children, to John The vaative eht now than it had been since the very first night after the bite I kept uzzled three nutrition shakes in a row and then liquid vita at the taste--not because it was bad, but because it wasn’t what I wanted, needed I rested et control as the liquid hit my sto the shake slide down …
A ers turned to claws, convulsing with lightning speed I struggled to keep the in for your appoint" Dr Jean-Baptiste tapped his watch with one finger
His voice pounded rab a bite to eat"
He scowled "Couldn’t it wait?"
"No It couldn’t" I turned red eyes toward hilowy because I could see him only as bands of color "Not if you like your staff and don’t want to be sued by the fa in ed half while continuing to stare at hi up, but fortunately,va fierce in about a half hour, but there you go
I twisted the cap back on the bottle and stuck it in the trunk of the car Slah the front doors and empty corridors and into his office "Where’s Simone?" I was surprised she wasn’t here It was late, but not nearly as late as my first appointment In fact, the whole place was deserted I was surprised only because the office was open on the weekend and closed on Monday and Tuesday I got the i
"You needn’t have worried I let the staff off early" He held open the door to the back hall "Go all the way back I’ circle John Creede explained the situation fully"