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"Oh, sure," Jaz to me I’hed Jazht to enroll in a drama class because she clearly had talent In fact, ot back…

"Did you mention this to Mom?" Jazmine asked after a precious few moments of silence

Shana kept her eyes on the road "There wasn’t time to e-mail her"

"Does your friend have a computer I can use?"

"I’m sure she does"

"I’ll let Mo" Jazreat deal of satisfaction

"Fine" Shana just bet the nine-year-old would delight in letting her , she wondered how Jazmine would embellish the tale

"What if he isn’t there?"

Uh-oh "You mean Brad?" Not once had Shana stopped to consider that "I…I don’t know" This wasn’t a situation in which she’d be co behind her newly printed business card If Brad learned she’d co thing

"He has to be there," she said aloud "He just has to"

Adam checked his watch and calculated the time in Seattle Three-thirty The leis should have arrived by now, according to the delivery schedule He i the box and discovering the leis The orchids were supposed to pave the way for part two of his reconciliation plan--a phone call

He wasn’t sure how it had happened, but soone in co direction He certainly hadn’t intended to becoure out what kind of mistake he’d made Whatever it was, he sincerely hoped she was over it by now

Adam had talked to one of his friends about Shana’s reaction John, another lieutenant cou Navy wives For whatever reason, women found it easier to send theirAdaree him know she was in love with him

That had taken Adam by surprise Shana loved him? Shana loved him! He chose to believe it because he so badly wanted to He wasn’tfor him back in Seattle made him happy in a way he’d never experienced before

He hurried home to make the call in privacy When he didn’t think he could bear to wait another minute, he reached for the telephone and punched out the nu back on his sofa, feet stretched out on the coffee table, he listened to the ringing of the phone

"Olsen’s Ice Cream and Pizza Parlor"

The man’s voice shook Adam "Who’s this?"

"Who’s this?" thefeet to the floor and leaned forward far enough to prop his elbows on his knees "Is Shana there?"

"No Who’s calling, please?"

"Lieutenant Commander Adam Kennedy"

"Oh, hello" The voice instantly became friendly "This is Louis, Catherine’s husband I’d better let you talk to her Hold on"

"Should I call back later?"

"No, no, it’s fine Here’s Cath"

A couple of seconds later, Shana’s number-one ehtly breathless "What can I do for you?"

"I actually called to talk to Shana"

She paused a telltale moment "I’m sorry, but you missed her Shana took Jazmine on a…short vacation"

Adam’s disappointment was keen "Did the leis arrive?" Those had cost hi in a box wilting before Shana even had a chance to see them

"Oh, yes, and she was…pleased Jaz?" Perhaps he should try reaching her on her cell He’d just assumed she’d be at the restaurant

"Yes, yes, she did," Catherine said She seemed distracted; either Adam had phoned at a bad tione

"I’ll try her cell," he murmured

"You could do that, of course," Catherine agreed politely "But…but she ht be out of reach"

"Why? Did they drive into the mountains?"

"Uh, no"

Her hesitation made him suspicious "The ocean?"

"No, ah--listen, I need to go… There are custo"