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"Wait" I grabbed his ar to do, Ian?" I was afraid I knew

"Find that bitch and kill her What did you think?" His fangs were down and I knew he ht words Were there any? "She’s sie "She’s a row old and has no powers Let that be her punish her out of lanced around at the destruction "This is the last straw Yep, she’s gone As soon as I leave here So she’ll be homeless"

"The whore will find another bed One with soone too far" Ian kicked a beaker aside "Fuck! This is my life’s work You have no idea what she’s done"

"I do It’s iet a rise out of you, Ian Do you really want her to see how hurt you are?" I touched his shoulder Surprise He was treie had definitely found his vulnerability

"You think I’o, just gripped his arm instead He wasn’t about to admit to such a weak emotion "I’m pissed Furious And deterht But if you let her see you like this, she’ll revel in how she affected you" I stood between Ian and the door

"That’s all right Mine will be the last face she sees" Ian looked like he was prepared to drag me to the door Rafe stepped closer I couldn’t let it beco to clear the roo attention to our conversation and had only one loyalty and it wasn’t to me

"Seriously, Ian? Why not make her think this stunt didn’t even make a ripple in your world? She’s beneath contempt"

Ian did pull er than I was, older by centuries Rafe kept his eyes on us, ready to intervene if he thought Ian was hurtingroo his bodyguards as witnesses to his pain

"Pretend this didn’t h, Glory My work is my life And she betrayed ic She ive her for that"

"But then you made a fool of her Let her believe that you’d turn her vampire Like you’d ever meant to do that" I smiled "What did you call it? Pillow talk She told me you were the best lover she ever had That you talked her into your bed, promised her eternity, then used her, just like she’d planned to use you I sa that devastated her How she hated working here No wonder she acted out"

"She did hate the housekeeping Bitched about it enough Not to ot reports" Ian was at least listening toon your shoulder? How about that"

"Right She’s so desperate to get away frolanced at Rafe "Ask Valdez He was there Aggie got the job but was huer for a band Backup When she expected to be a star Fat chance of that The bitch can’t even read ie humiliated" Ian walked over to the French doors to stare out into the night

"Good Co at N-V You can enjoy the show and let her see how little her idea of revenge affected you" I could see that he’d cal

"Glory’s ot it back, courtesy of her mother" Rafe finally relaxed and finished the drink Ian had poured hiave you your singing voice back?" Ian turned, looking intrigued "I’d like to hear you, Glory And Aggie is just doing soround?"

"Not for me, for Israel Caine and Sienna Star Come to N-V and hear for yourself Rafe has a table reserved for vampires If you can stand to sit with Jerry, you can be part of the party" I crossed ht, Gloriana, relax You’ve talked me down For now" Ian pattedand it worked I won’t kill her Yet But I will have payback You have no idea what those experiments meant to me Years of work With the possibility that vampires could walk in the sun for hours at a tihed "Shit I may cry yet"

I squeezed his hand, actually sorry for hi"

Ian nodded, definitely thinking and planning Which was alood-byes and got out of there We were in the car on our way back to the city whenJerry Finally

"Are you in Florida?"