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The tiny bridge of the CMA Season of Plenty had view screens and workstations crammed on every square centi and floor in case the rotating segment failed) The screens would have provided a si with icons representing colonists, building supplies, and the raw materials to jump-start the new city dubbed ―Lazy Acres" on the hellhole of a world called Paradise Falls
Six ensigns ray flow of the rectors in preparation for launch They barely had enough roon Otto Seinmann, who stood aft of the captain‘s chair at Lorelei‘s interface pedestal
The artificial intelligence holograrams, Lorelei‘s outer appearance reflected a chosen inner personality: a woa, a sickle in her belt, and a wreath of wheat crowning her head She once again shook her head at the young ensign
Seinmann crossed his arms over his chest ―We‘re not done" He towered over the diram, two meters tall, handsome, and his dark hair short but stylishly wavy
― We n," Lorelei replied, ―but I anostic to run before the juram vanished
Seinn Alexis Indara tore her gaze from the mass-balanceto break it"
Next to her at the fusion n Handford murmured, ―Maybe it‘s Seinmann‘s breath These new ‗s"
Lieutenant Coe In his mid-thirties he already had that casual air of ―don‘t mess with me" that most officers couldn‘t achieve until they were at least captains The ensigns all stood a little straighter but kept on working
―Navigation reports no input parameters yet," Lieutenant Commander Nevel said ―What‘s the
hold-up, Seinmann?"
Seiner ―Sir, Lorelei has shut herself down for routine ain"
Nevel raised an eyebrow ―Well, arned it ht take a while for her to coence and get those calculations--" Nevel paused, looked Seinht, this would be a good opportunity to brush up on your Shaw h calculation by hand The captain expects to be under way in ninety minutes"
Sein, and then finally, ―Aye, sir"
Nevel wheeled about and left the bridge
Ensign Indara whispered, ―I think Nevel has an antique slide rule tucked away soers to count on"
Seinrabbed a data pad, and stabbed in calculations
After a ns (all of ere busy with their oork) until he spotted a young crewman--or rather the backside of a crewen recycling intake
―Cole!" Seinmann barked ―Get over here"
Crewman Apprentice Cole extracted hiray coveralls, and ran a hand over his shorn hair (which was dotted with drips and spatters of grease)
The fresh-out-of-barf-school crewer to please His dark eyes met
Seinmann‘s and didn‘t waver
―Yes, sir?"
Seinmann shoved the data pad at Cole ―I need you to run an independent check on these nuaze moved to the data pad He sed
―In case you don‘t recognize them, they‘re parameters for a Shaw-Fujikawa manifold collapse"
Cole nodded and took the pad
―You do knohat a Shaw-Fujikawa lint in Seinmann‘s eyes
Cole didn‘t look up fro its contents ―Yessir"
―Good If you get stuck just look up the formulas on a workstation" With no further explanation, Sein and strolled over to Indara
Cole took the data pad and sat at a nearby station, still notat thehed, and erased them
―You‘re cruel," Indara whispered to Seinmann
―And in hot water if the lieutenant co your oork,"
Handford added
―Cruel?" Seinmann mused ―Isn‘t that what crewmen are for?" He looked over at Cole ―Don‘t worry about the lieutenant coh calculation done"
―So why pick on Cole?" Indara asked ―He gets his work done and doesn‘t bother anyone"
―He bothers me ," Seinmann said ―Never shows the proper respect Did you see the way he looked at ot his nose in a library access ter ancient history or quantum field theory or stuff he couldn‘t possibly understand It‘s so obviously an act"
―I still think it‘s unnecessarily cruel," Indara said
Lieutenant Coe
Sein the seed stock in Holding Bay 4
The AI pedestal lit and Lorelei flickered upon its surface, the lines of her face s up ―Good afternoon, Lieutenant Commander All primary and
secondary neural links checked Shaw-Fujikawa parameters calculated and three-tio Season of Plenty ready for slipstream space transition upon the captain‘s orders"
―Very good," Nevel said He spotted Seinn Seinmann‘s data pad and check his work, please"