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'I think it got caught up in geoeoet back'
'Geometry is not my forte,' said Ibid 'As you probably know'
'Haven't you read my Principles of Ideal Government?'
'I'm afraid not'
'Or my Discourse on Historical Inevitability?'
Ibid looked crestfallen 'Oh,' he said
'Ibid is a well-known authority on everything,' said Xeno 'Except for geolared at him
'What about you, then?' said Teppic
Xeno drained hisof axioonal A very acute le'
He was interrupted by the clatter of hooves Several horsealloped with reckless speed past the tavern and on up the winding, cobbled streets of the city They see
Ibid picked a stunned seagull out of his wine cup and laid it on the table He was looking thoughtful
'If the Old Kingdom has really disappeared-' he said
'It has,' said Teppic fir you can be mistaken about, really'
'Then that means our border is concurrent with that of Tsort,' said Ibid ponderously
'Pardon?' said Teppic
'There's nothing between us,' explained the philosopher
'Oh, dear That means we shall be forced to make war'
Ibid opened his mouth, stopped, and turned to Xeno
'Why does it mean we'll be forced to make war?' he said
'Historical imperative,' said Xeno
'Ah, yes I kneas so like that I am afraid it is inevitable It's a shame, but there you are'
There was another clatter as another party of horse downhill this tih plu enthusiastically
Ibid settled himself more comfortably on the bench and folded his bands
'That'll be the Tyrant's ates and out on to the desert 'He's sending them to check, you may depend upon it'
Teppic knew about the endo that the merchants of both sides had somewhere discreet in which to trade with one another He druht each other for thousands of years,' he said 'You were tiny countries in those days It was just a scrap Now you're huge People could get hurt Doesn't that worry you?'
'It's a ed with uncertainty 'I don't think there's much choice'
'It was that bloody wooden cohatever,' said Xeno 'They've never forgiven us for it'
'If we don't attack theht,' said Xeno 'So we'd better retaliate before they have a chance to strike'
The two philosophers stared uncomfortably at one another
'On the other hand,' said Thid, 'war ht'
'There is that,' Xeno agreed 'Especially for dead people' There was an e to the tortoise and the occasional squeak of stricken seagulls
'What day is it?' said Ibid
'Tuesday,' said Teppic
'I think,' said Thid, 'that it ood idea if you came to the syreatestabout'
He glanced at Ptraci
'However,' he said, 'your young woman cannot attend, naturally Females are absolutely forbidden Their brains overheat'
King Teppicyht
And he realised that he could hear his own heart beating, but muffled, and some way off
And then he reain And, this time, he was in bits
Soot to the netherworld, like one of Grinjer's kits
Get a grip on yourself, ht
It's up to you to pull yourself together