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Page 21 (1/2)

I crossed Heron Row a block down fro the day, but apparently that didn’t stop Ta visitors

This wasn’t just any visitor I knew this lady Or at least knew of her

Primari A’Zahra Nuru had a direct connection to, and the ear of, the Mal’Salin faht the goblin queen mother, as well as the late queen She had also been Tam’s teacher and mentor When Sathrik, the queen’s eldest son, took the throne after his ed Primari Nuru to retire He provided her with a modest house and annual incooblin court It see didn’t want his deadA’Zahra Nuru’s rumored abilities and Sathrik’s recent activities, most notably the questionable circumstances of his mother’s death

Pri to Markus, she was Prince Chigaru Mal’Salin’s aru’s retainers had taken on King Sathrik’s Khrynsani guards in Nigel’s garden last night A’Zahra Nuru drops in on her forainst a coincidence If I wanted answers, it looked like I had coown of pale mauve silk, and her silvery white hair was elaborately styled and held in place with tiny, jeweled pins More pale gelittered on the lobes of her upswept ears As with Tarsilia, the years had been kind to A’Zahra Nuru Her pale gray skin was still sh cheekbones and fine features

The primari ht, sunnyGoblins wereon necessity They could be out during the day, but their dark eyes were painfully sensitive to sunlight, and most chose to just remain inside Shops and businesses in the Goblin District were open during the day, but kept extended hours in the evening for the convenience and co the day, the ere kept shuttered and the interiors dimly lit Any human or elven custooblins ventured out during the day, they wore dark-lensed spectacles A’Zahra Nuru wore a stylish pair of these perched on the bridge of her patrician nose

The aled in the center of my chest, and I had the sensation that so I didn’t, and I suspected the goblin pri to do with it She hadn’t hesitated in her progress down Heron Row, but I knew that she had sensed me, the amulet, or both My hand instinctively went to the disk, and I pulled farther back into the shadows of a side street What she was using weren’t shields It was a searching spell, co I could have attempted, let alone pulled off It spread towardthat subtle was another first for me

I didn’t try to stop it I knew better A block or deflection would have announceda door in Nuru’s patrician face My stoh me The primari hesitated a fraction of a second, then continued on her way I continued breathing again The a as it was a nuisance But just because it growled at strangers didn’tto trust it with my own neck

I waited until the pri the street to Sirens’ front door

Tam’s bouncers weren’t on duty, but Tam’s wards certainly were And they were at full power Ta to behold, full poould take care of anything short of a oblin pri, and I illing to bet that insecurity started last night and intensified with his h I was sure Tam’s wards had already announced me After a few e enough for the pair of anized the eyes and the elf they belonged to Lorcan Karst, Ta unfastened and wards being shifted The door opened

Lorcan was tall and lithe, and like er than he looked Lorcan in particular was erous in other ways thanhappen that he couldn’t control--one way or another

"Mistress Benares, what a pleasant surprise What can I do for you?"

He didn’t look surprised to see me--pleasantly or otherwise

"Is your boss in?" I asked

"He is"

"If he’s not too busy, I need to speak with hi to wait"