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The young elf’s expression didn’t change, but his dark eyes widened slightly I think he got the idea

"How long do you want htly "Not long"

"You don’t have to stand in the corner," Garadin told hiers in your ears" He took one last puff, then set his pipe aside "Fingers don’t work, anyway You don’t even have to face the wall, just don’t try to read our lips"

"I proh"

I pulled a chair over to where Garadin was sitting, and heour voices to that set up andfor one night Piaras found a book and settled hied by the fire, his profile to us Occasionally, he would steal a quick glance The curiosity of youth is a powerful thing

I told Garadin the whole story, in as short a forht be i Fortunately, it didn’t take as long as I thought I had lived it once, and that was quite enough When I’d finished, Garadin sat quietly for a few , as I liked to think of it I wasn’t about to disturb him He’d talk when he was ready

"Froer would be Mychael Eiliesor"

I knew I’d coht place "You know him?"

"I know of him He was appointed paladin of the Guardians after I left"

I sat in stunned silence I had just kicked the commander of the Conclave Guardians in the balls

"What is it?" Garadin asked

I told hi down his face and he couldn’t breathe Piaras couldn’t hear a thing, but the shield couldn’t keep hi hysterical--at rinned

I didn’t share their opinion "It’s not funny!" I said it out loud for Garadin, and towards Piaras so he could read my lips It just made it worse

"I’m sorry," Garadin sputtered

I crossed ainst the back of the chair "You don’t sound sorry"

"I am" He snorted one last tihter, gathering what little shreds of dignity I had left "Well, what do you know about hius Justinius Valerian has a knack for hiring good people, plus he’s alanted to clean house Putting Mychael Eiliesor in as paladin sounded like a good start He’s one of the best spellsingers on Mid, and a top-notch healer Soer part "What else?"

"Paladin Eiliesor takes his job very seriously He’s honest and he doesn’t play favorites" Garadin chuckled as he relit his pipe "And don’t even think about offering a bribe Rues tried when he first took office Eiliesor didn’t take the offer, but he did take the eons You thinking about setting up aon uys are If there are any"

Garadin’s expression darkened "I can guarantee you one of the soht on how Sarad Nukpana knows me"

"Nathrach?" Garadin’s distaste was evident

"Yes, I’ to see Tam" My tone eary in round before I didn’t blaodfather, Garadin felt he had certain duties One of those duties was protecting me from inappropriate men A couple of fond and fun memories reminded me in no uncertain terms that Tairl likes a little inappropriate in her life I know I do

"Mind if I look at the a with his animosity towards Tam For now Garadin picked his battles carefully with me This was one he knew he couldn’t win

"That’s what I’m here for" I reached down the front of my shirt and pulled out the chain The silvery disk felt s the past two hours next to my skin I lifted the chain and the aret it

I knew there was air in the roo didn’t help Garadin lowered me to the floor before I fell there on my own My fist convulsed on the amulet, and pain shot up my arers open I wanted to help him, but my body--and the amulet--had other ideas

The air was hot, the rooh half-open eyes, I saw Garadin and Piaras above me There were others that I couldn’t see They pressed close, taking what little air remained I couldn’t see them, but I kneho they were A Khrynsani shaman, Mychael Eiliesor, and from farther away, Sarad Nukpana They kneho I was--and soon they would knohere I was

I felt Garadin wrench the aers and push the chain back over my head

The air cleared The presences vanished I took a shuddering breath and tried to open ht I was draped across Garadin’s lap He had one arm around my shoulders, the other clutched to his chest He had a burn where he had grabbed the as still burned, but at least I could breathe

Garadin was in pain Piaras was scared I was both