Page 7 (1/2)

Holy Mother She ed, barely, not to spin around and take out the door with a blasting spell He’d breached the protections on her floor, arrived with no warning at all

While she locked down her reaction to that, it was hard not to react to his appearance He’d changed clothes Gone were the shirt and slacks, the polished shoes He was barefoot, wearing a dark pair of jeans that rode low on his bare hips He ainst the banister to the stairwell, arms crossed

Gina, an avid reader, had once spent a whole week studying athem all about male and feonal lines of a man’s lower abdoaaa down fro covered his chest except the casually crossed ar about his, she was a goner

Oh, get a grip She was around sex all the time She embraced its many forms, because she was a woman, a witch and a succubus, and all of those incarnations enjoyed earthy pleasures But she had a line she couldn’t cross It didn’t ht, unleash her deepest level of sexual energy and have the chance that others did, to be swept away by her release

Release, surrender…Hazardous,words

She arched an indifferent brow "You’re trespassing I didn’t invite you here"

He lifted a shoulder "Trespassing rules? Coularly flouts authority?"

"I don’t flout authority I just politely ask it to stay the hell out of my business"

His expression was dismissively Slavic "So…you wouldn’t trust any woman with a pulse around me? You have a pulse"

"Don’t let it go to your head Either one of them" She affected a bored look "Mikhael, as often as you worked Ruby over, I know Dark Guardians have an insatiable libido We can find you so aroundRuby had s weren’t involved in her volatile encounters with the Dark Guardian, at least not fro different in that reaction

"You started this business by doing this kind of business, right?" he said curtly "The hard-to-get routine rings a little false"

Using a sharp tongue on an opponent brought consequences Fro casually cruel, who didn’t understand certain things about her, she would have disotten under her skin, gotten too close Even so, she hadn’t expected the return cut to slice so deep Like a cat, a succubus had a higher metabolism and body temperature, which meant she was alarh the cut he’d just ans, swept over her skin, raising all the s to his sides, his brow creasing "Raina"

She rose froht, knowing that blue sparks were flickering off her skin If he’d been human, she’d have reined them back, because they were toxic, but now she hoped a few jumped on him like lice and ate him alive

"I told you you’re welcome to use the services of the others here for a reasonable rate I’m not part of those services If you’re a sick bastard who enjoys rape, youa corpse, because that’s the only way you’ll take me down" She’d be damned before she admitted her voice cracked

Mikhael’s reaction wasn’t to becoentle Not that she would have expected that fro into so that filled the room with deadly purpose, his voice the steady steel of an executioner’s ax

"I’ve hunted those who’ve committed that cri for the an to descend the stairs When he’d gone several steps, he stopped It put his head below the level of the landing railing, the straight balusters like the boundary of a cell door

"One kiss," he said

"Excuse me?" Still torn between the ice of her reaction and the heat of his reply, she had to clear her throat

He locked gazes with her "After one kiss, if you don’t hat I have to offer, then we leave it at that But don’t tell h to try the one kiss You have the courage of a wounded badger"

It was a backhanded coe did pull her back froe, put her back on her feet So ullible?"