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"Letthe beast This close, he could see each individual lash fraeous, badges of innocence blended anton need

"No, I--"

This time, when he dove in for a taste, herhis tongue against hers

Moaning, she gave up the pretense of resistance Her arms wrapped around hi woan to writhe against hiotten He nipped at her mouth, and she nipped at his, and that was it They becarowled, and they ate at each other He kneaded her breast with one hand, his grip strong, too strong, but just like before, she didn’t seeed her wrists with the other and locked her ar her body ainst his


"Please," she rasped

"I like that word on your lips" Blood aflaainst the warh and he shuddered with the intensity of the pleasure Then he hefted her up, anchored her, forcing her to wrap her legs around hi a measure of release and deeper need with his erection pressed against her

His fingers curled around her backside, past the edge of her panties, seekingto get away from him

Concern instantly replaced desire as he set her on her feet "What’s wrong?"

She patted at the sleeve of her dress Fla, he backed away fro need, he made sure to keep a safe distance Disaster would flip his lid if Kane continued what he’d started

It wouldn’t always be this way, he reave hi this"

"We’re meant for each other, and you know it"

She raised her arm with the charred sleeve "Kane, did you see what just--"

"Did you think abouther to affirs there, no"Did you wish I ith you?"

She lowered her arht about you, too," he said

"Why?" she whispered, her head down but her gaze re about each other? It would be so much better for both of us if alked away fro "I could marry you," he said softly

She closed her eyes for aas if she could burst into tears Then, she closed the distance, expression more determined with every step Before he could move away, she rested her hands on his shoulders He stiffened, afraid for her, for what Disaster would do, but he didn’t dissuade her He yearned so badly for some kind of contact with her, even this

"I like your kisses," she said "I do So much"

"Like is too weak a word for how I feel about yours"

"And I like when you touch me And I like you, snarly beast that you can sometimes be" Her chin trembled "That’s why it pains me to sayno No, Idon’t want to marry you"

He reared back as if she’d nailed him with a hammer "Because the demon burned you?" he croaked "I won’t always have him I plan to kill him"

"I could lie and tell you that’s why I could tell you I want someone else and you’re in the way But the truth is, I don’t think you can helphurt"

He felt as if he’d just been punched in the stomach Like his friends, she doubted hihed with undiluted glee, at last appeased

"I want you to leave this realht Now"

Kane was a ht so Now, he learned the error of his ways This was true pain Rejection fro walls inside hi away, he said, "Very well," with all the cal the weather "I won’t bother you any longer" He turned from her and stalked out of the enclosure

As he stormed down the hall, he ran into Willia one look at him

"Doesn’t concern you," he said "Just keep your boys away from Tink I won’t be around to protect her"

"Hell-ooo We’ve talked about this She’s yours and I won’t let them--"

"She’s not mine," he interjected harshly "And keep your boys away from me, too They come near me, and I won’t be responsible for rabbed the first drink he found, then another and another, and nearly drowned hi her across the floor He danced with her friends They put their hands all over hiain Then he danced with Synda again while the king nodded his approval

"I have to have you, Lord Kane," Synda whispered, warainst his ear "Letyou ask"<ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins>