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"I never claimed to be"

"Because no one would have believed you!" Surely that wasn’t her shrieking at hi to notice her outburst "The Moirai toldelse They said I’m destined to irl you met in the club"

What he didn’t say, but she heard: he was to stay away fros decide your bride, Kane You decide Wed for love, or don’t wed at all"

Kane leaned down, putting them nose-to-nose He whispered, "I used to be, you know"

He was so close, his clean, soapy scent thick in her nose Heat radiated fro her, and the tremors within her increased "Used to be what?"


She reached up, shifted the strands of his hair through her gloved fingers How badly she wanted skin-to-skin "You still have your aze dropped to her lips, and lingered, his pupils expanding "I shouldn’t want to kiss you again, but I do I want it Not because of the Moirai but because of you What are you doing to me?"

Her heart skipped a treacherous beat "I’" Slowly he lowered his headco closercloser still "I already stole your first kiss, and I shouldn’t steal the second"

What if I give it away? "Are you afraid?"

"Yes," he admitted "I’ve never wanted a woed to respond, breathless

"I understand why you’re so insecure about her Your family has always picked her over you But that isn’t the case with me I have wanted you since moment one I have never actually wanted Synda She’s airl And he’d wanted Josephina since moment one


Overcome, Josephina threw her arainst his Hethe very response she yearned to give He was aher need higher, and ot, because his control see frohtened, a funny look on his face as he traced a fingertip over lips noollen and tingling from his possession "You ulped


"That’s not lanced down at his shoulder The ends of his hair were tipped with flahtstand

Josephina patted the strands, dousing the fire

"Stupid Disaster"

"I’m not afraid of hi her skin tingle "Still want ," she admitted softly

Tentative, he licked the seaave her a wicked grin

"Gonna ed at the cover, pulling it down, down, down her body, baring her legs, his heated eyes never straying from herseven as he reached for the heraceful as a panther, and straddled her waist

Breathing was impossible, her insides so keyed and ready for whatever he planned, she could only pant as he continued lifting her shirt, baring her breasts to his view

He paused to look his fill, his pupils so large his irises were devoid of color

"You are so beautiful"

She trembled as he reached out and cupped her, kneaded her

"So perfect"

She was shaking too badly to reply

His fingers slid down her belly, stopped at the top of her panties He traced the band, and she quivered

He stilled, frowned His ears twitched "Soood!

Kane jackknifed to his feet, and Josephina sat up, s not to huff her disappoint with arousal He was eerily still, a living blade, ready to slash

Four guards burst into the room, Leopold at the helm