Page 29 (1/2)

Eventide Elle Jasper 27090K 2023-08-31

With his other hand, Victorian cups ently presses his lips against , but I feel every ounce of Victorian’s emotion in the kiss He breaks it, ainst mine, then presses his lips to my temple "Te iubesc," he whispers "Mersi"

I love you And, thank you

Victorian pulls back, looks at me, then blushes furiously Daot you can now understand Roive aze "But I cannot help it"

I shake ht was a , and beautiful man Who just so happens to have to live off hu him toward the end of the hall "I think in another place, another time, Vic"--I look at him--"who knows? But for now, I love you…as a friend And one I feel a strong connection to"

He sht ht to her knees "And I accept that, Riley Poe," he says "As long as you realize"--he looks down atit takes" His eyes glow "Forever"

I s less from you, Mr Arcos" We hit the steps andback with us, right?" I ask

Victorian nods "Much to your lover’s disdain, yes I have to ensure my brother’s safety"

I nod "Good We can use your help"

"Go to your s back "The lucky bastard awaits you with the others I think they are arranging a for for you"

With a final smile at Vic, I walk ahead and join Eli and the others Gilles has joined the group All heads turn , stops and walks directly to raspshi smile, I lean up and kiss him "Oui, Monsieur Dupré" I blink The French rolls off ued, I decide to give it another try "Est-ce-que vous avez été exae récemment?" I wait expectantly for praise

A hter breaks out in the Arcos great hall

Eli’s lips purse tightly together, and he covers hishis head

"What’d I say?" I ask I look at Gilles He’s still chuckling

"Da his eyes "You just asked Eli if he’d been checked for rabies recently"

"Oops," I say "Guess I need to work on that, huh?"

Eli pulls ainst my ear "I like you just the way you are"

I fall easily into his embrace How simple it is for me to take comfort there Much easier now that I’ve admitted to myself, and to Eli, how much I truly love hi back soroup And for a moment, my heart aches

He smiles at me No, love Do not ache for me As I said, I ait for you And I shall also enter your thoughts routinely You’ll groeary of hearingmore than smile back at him

"Weeveryone’s attention "Luc has called several tier safe to leave the entire city and our loved ones solely in the hands of my children and wife" He faces Eli "Valerian has been in hiding, coe clan descends upon Savannah We must leave at once"

Jake Andorra moves to Eli "My tearasps his shoulder "Merci We can use all the help we can get Merci"

"I will help as well," Victorian adds, standing tall, erect, and"’Tismy brother home"

Eli looks first at me, then back to Victorian "Only because Riley trusts you so much will I allow this"

Victorian si his hands together and rubbing theorously His set the fuck out of here"

I shake hts on rin at him Sick fool

Within an hour, we’d packed up and, thanks to Julian Arcos, boarded two helicopters bound for Bucharest Apparently I’d been so out of it on the journey that I’d ht to Castell Arcos But even I have to ad out of the et Turrets and towers--foreboding, all of it Yet…enticing I guess that’s the whole vah, it is sheer beauty