Page 9 (1/2)
They both nod
"Let’s split the city up," Eli says "And ether" He glances around "Preferences?"
"We’ll take Tybee Island, Skidaway Island, and Isle of Hope," says Phin
Luc nods "We got the South side up to Victory Drive, east and west"
Eli nods "All right, we’ll take Garden City and work our way through the industrial area and meet up at Forsyth Park You know the routine Clubs Businesses Di into ho for more youths"
"What about Noah?" Luc asks
Noah Miles is a vampire, also bound by Gullah pact to protect Savannah’s sister city, Charleston He’s probably one of the s I’ve ever laid eyes on, with his unique dreadlocks and flawless pale skin and ainst Valerian’s newling arht there with Eli Only Noah eggs ht and trusts me to handle ht now," Eli says "There are just asareas as there are here" He glances at his father "To break this, we have to break Valerian Arcos"
"And that seems impossible since he can shift bodies," Phin says
And if what Vic says is true, Valerian can’t be killed anyway
"Okay, let’s get going," Eli says "Maood"
"Always," Gilles answers
At the door, I stop Seth "Hey," I begin "I’, expressive green eyes, and right now they’re filled with hurt He hugshim back I want to keep him in my arms forever Safe Alive Sweet "I’" I pull back and look at hi all crazy and I can’t control it I’uess it’s putting me in a terrible htly with my knuckles
Seth studies me for several seconds, and he pulls me into one last embrace He kisses the top oflike the"Be careful"
"I will, and love you, too," I say "And you be careful"
Riggs is leaning against my Jeep when I walk out Ankles crossed, arood "What say I ride up front with you, babe?" he drawls and glances at Eli "You won’t mind, will ya bro?"
Eli sives hiives me a sympathetic look "Sorry sweetheart Maybe next ti s is "Maybe so," I respond He smiles I climb in the front seat, and Eli drives We take off for Garden City
Even though the October night air is cool, we keep the Jeep’s top off for easy access in and out of it Besides, Riggs and I both handle temperatures a lot differently now, so it has to be really cold for us to be bothered, or really hot This night, -sleeved shirt is all I need The terees
Eli downshifts as we hit the squares, the night air cool as it brushes ainst the wind and inhale the brine of the salt et to Garden City, which is just outside of Savannah, the brine turns into a stinky sulfur s soht, it’s not too bad
Eli’s hand slips over h and rests there as we drive, and the sounds of the night, the wind, lure s’s iPod blasting in his ear But I’ht illus dropped Eyes white, pupil pinpoint red He lunges atIt’s me I scream--
"Riley?" Eli says, his hand wrapped aroundme "Wake up, we’re here"
My eyes flutter open, and the es, his fangs drop, and he lunges for me