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I looked at hih I had no idea how Eli did it I didn’t care at this point, as long as he did I knew Riggs ith Seth, and as much of a peckerhead as he’d been before, I wanted him safely returned back to nor God, I kneithout hearing the angst in her voice that she was going through hell "Thanks," I told Eli, and went back to theforphoenix co pretty sick, if I did say so myself He proudly exaave him a sample tube of medicated ointment and tat instructions, and he left
Nyx finished early, and she finally confessed to having a blind date Eli helped her clean up, and as I watched my alternatively dressed best friend pick up her station with a vaathered her big black shoulder bag with pink skull and crossbones, gave ood-bye The only reason I wasn’t apprehensive about Nyx walking the streets alone after dark noas because I knew one of the Duprés had her back I felt so it all froood to have Nyx worried about things out of our control, and she loved Seth like a brother I watched her through the storefrontuntil she disappeared down the cobbled street and into the dusky light, auburn ponytails swinging with each step
"She’s a good person," Eli said, suddenly at ood soul"
I nodded "She does" Out of the corner of ht before, when he’d crowded ainst mine, flashed to the front of ius Dupré actually was, and I couldn’t Part of me was terrified of him The other part of me wanted to fuck him until he passed out Or I passed out
Eli chuckled
And then, nearly twenty-four hours later, it hit me I frowned and turned to fully face him "Can all of you read , nonchalant expression crossed his perfect features, and he shrugged "Yeah, sure And we can coerce, too" He rubbed his chin "I’e" He lifted a dark brow and stared "Right now I’"
"Ground rule nuuely hts of hih his bangs and swept them to the side, then shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans "Toardedtoward him, I boldly inspected him, from booted feet to the top of his head I shook my own head and walked off to tidy up my station and start a list of needed supplies
"What?" he asked, dis anywhere with you"--I turned and pointed at hilanced down at hi with the way I look?"
With a critical eye, I studied hi to search for my brother? They’re the types of places where a pretty boy who looks like he just stepped off the pages of GQ orMen’s Health or so sticks out like a sore thumb You’d look wicked ridiculous and draanted attention You’ve got to blend, dude"
A slow grin played across his face "So you think I’ant, blunt question, locked the front door, and set the alar past him
He was at the back door ahead of me, and I stopped short All I could do was try not to look as surprised as I was
"Where are we going?" he asked, leaning against the frareens A friend’s house Liquor Warehouse Mellow Mushroouy laugh and regardedChaz out, we locked up, jumped in the Jeep, and headed first up Bay Street, then hit Abercorn The usual after-dark traffic crept along until we passed the intersection at Victory Drive; then the pace quickened as wethe oak-lined streets The heavy brine and warm, sultry air rushed over us as we drove, and I kneatched aze on every inch of my body as we passed beneath each streetlaht I hit the clutch, downshifted into second, then first gear, and came to a stop I looked over at him, and shadows played over his sharp jaw, cheekbones, Adam’s apple I noticed he had absolutely perfect lips, and the way his eyes studied h iven h school, but I didn’t care We sat, staring wordlessly at each other beneath the streetlights and with cars all around us, and I knew then, at that verysex in the near--very near--future It was inevitable, and I felt it clear to my bones The tension between us was palpable, and I couldn’t help but wonder just how much vampiric control he’d be able to maintain Would he lose it and kill ht reen, because the driver of the truck behind us blew its horn, and I juh it really wasn’t a sincere frown, and I shifted into first and eased off the clutch Soon ere crossing DeRenne, and Eli glanced to his right as we passed the big globe<ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins>