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The End of Me Tara Brown 27680K 2023-08-31

Servario never tried to touchfor us on the tarlimpse of Roxy Her eyes were swollen shut She was a mess--fat lips and cuts Her hands rapped in soaked bandages He dragged her from the plane and shoved her in the back Her blonde hair was ratty andin parts

Luce and Coop shared the sained Jack and I were both horrified

He looked at me, terrified

I nodded

We were somewhere warm still We flen a coastline, rocky and beautiful I was lost, cos, and not the dying girl in the back, who used to be stunning

The helicopter circled a huge house It landed on a large, cee house My breathing stopped completely, as my heart pounded out of my chest I felt my face flush Coop covered my hands with his, "No"

I looked at hi or feeling Shut it off"

I tried, but my kids’ faces were all over his My kids, who I hadn’t seen in, what felt like an eternity My face pinched and balled I fought tears so hard it hurt

I sniffled and sighed, "I can do this," I whispered

We landed James didn’t look up He walked until the door opened

Then he stopped, stared and then frowned His girlfriend was tossed froun drawn He passed one to Luce and Coop, as he stepped down

James put his hands up He was completely lost and confused

He hadn’t even seenJack

His eyes darted as the helicopter turned off, e wind surround us all

Jaht my face He put his hands out, "Evie!"

I shook un from Luce’s hand I fired at his left kneecap

He screae, linen pants

Luce reached for the gun, but when she saw my face, she stopped

"How could you?" I asked just barely audible

His face crumpled as he held his knee, "Evie, please letHe dropped to the ground anyway

Servario walked away fro-over Roxy and ca ainst mine, "Let me You don’t want this memory when you look at your children," he whispered into un froavelook but Coop looked psychotic

"Is Mel here?" I asked past Servario’s back He wasn’t looking at irlfriend, Roxy She swayed as blood dripped fro and hard, "Your father did this, Evie Not one for real"

I turned and walked back to the helicopter

I heard the shot fire but I didn’t look back Then the second one

I sat in the seat and waited I wanted to look inside of the house I wanted to know his secrets I wanted it all to become clear to me but a voice, probably my father’s, told me I didn’t really want that

It told o I would find answers in other places too I didn’t just need these answers These ones would haunt me for all my days

Chapter Seventeen – Princess Evie

The jet felt haunted as we crossed an ocean I could only assu to Asia I wondered if he was takingnot to see the sadistic fuck I’d seen in that roolanced over at me "I’m sorry, Evie"

I nodded, "Me too I’lanced over fro her "So Mel is dead She was the one in the car" That hurt Mel too, had been used by James

I shook my head, "He didn’t need her anymore, because he had Roxy Roxy, anted to find herself a millionaire like Servario"

Servario stood and walked to the front of the plane

Coop continued, "Ja He had asked Roxy to take pictures of everyServario went to After your dad was dead, he and Servario ot it on her cellphone so it must have been recent It was the proof CI needed to use you to bring hi all along? He’s been dead for a long ti Anyway, Servario beat her and broke her and she confessed The plan was to take the money, leave you screwed and leave the kids with your mom She actually said James never really cared what happened to the kids He just wanted his easy life in his beach house with his blonde"

It didn’t even hurt anymore Not even for my kids I didn’t even care a little I couldn’t If I cared about one thing, all the ehed, "He was a douche nozzle"