Page 11 (1/2)

Born Tara Brown 27740K 2023-08-31

The hot stearoup of irl who has a disgusted look on her face, "I don’t know about you but I don’t want that inside of rins at e "Emma but everyone calls me Em"

I look around for Anna and Jake I don’t see the?" I ask softly

She spits on the ground outside of her bars, "Fifteen"

She is malnourished She will be made to work the farms She won’t be a breeder

I won’t let either of us end up that way

I see a sround I look at her, "Poke that stick this way again"

She slips her skinny arh the bars and passes it todrunk and the fire is starting to di it back to me with several small movements It’s an old rusty nail with a silver tip I reach rab it

"How old are you?" She asks watching the men

"Nineteen, almost twenty"

"You look older"

I want to frown at her, but the nail into bother I pass her the nail, "Pick your lock"

She eyes it sh the bars She makes a funny face and I hear the clunk of the lock She picks locks faster than I do I’ve only ever picked a couple

"Stay in the cage with the lock open"

She nods, "Momma says we have to do whatever it takes to not be a breeder I will die before I go there"

Her words reirl in the back of the truck who screamed I feel sick I am even more determined to save her

The rusty nail clanks in the lock

"Want ive her a look, "They’ll notice your tiny arain

"Dipshit is corins at ive it away"

He pulls a key out of his pants and licks his lips He gets down on the ground in front of onna like this"

I feel like throwing up

He opens the door and reaches in lightning fast His huge hand grabs e I kick at hiround on my stomach He pulls my hair and whispers into o of my hair with force and shoves h and choke My eyes flicker at the young girl She looks terrified

"Don’t do this in front of her" I beg

He shovesWhere you two are going, you’ll both be needing to kno to rind hiainstin my stomach but bile fills my mouth I spit it to the side of my face, fearful he will rub my face in it

He pulls my pants down I feel his hands on ht but my hands are pinned If I scream he will kill me I make a snap decision that death would be better than this I open ht on me and covers o now Before they find hi fro at me The rusty nail sticks out only a little bit from his head, next to his eye Blood trickles down his face

She heaves him off of me quietly The fire is only twenty feet froroup of one to sleep I push rab htly I want to stab it into hirabs rab my bow and quiver and follow her into the forest We run fast, even though we are bare foot I recognize the forest after a few moments Even in the dark I knohere we are

"Oh shit"

I stop, hearing her speak I’m ready for the worst and instead it’s the best I see yellow eyes glowing in the dark I drop tothe branch that cuts my knee His paws are around my neck within seconds His warm breath is in my hair

I cry He holds me like a mother would a child and I feel soothed

"He’s yours?"

I nod through the tears, "Leo"