Page 9 (1/2)

Born Tara Brown 27440K 2023-08-31

"Good to have patrons this early in the spring"

I look around, "How safe is the town?"

She shrugs, "Depends A sweet piece of virgin ass like you is going to have troubles no h, "Precious you are risking a fuck of a lot co for breeders like you Clean virgins"

I pass her a diaht up, "Luckily, a lady like me runs this Inn You’ll be safe"

I set when I leave here in one piece Virginity intact"

She raises an eyebrow at inal Most girls who look like you are slightly , "I aim to please" I’ve read the line in a book once and alanted to use it

She croaks again and turns away froht if I were you The things that circle the town have what they want by sundown" She turns back to irls that look like you are more fun"

I meet her smile, "I’m fun Just not in a way anyone appreciates"

I cli not to let ht

A hand slips over erether

"Don’t move princess They’ve come for you Those fuckers sold you out to the breeders Or it was that old bitch You should know better than to trade with the first person who talks to you You bush people are stupid" Her bright white smile flashes in the darkness, "Don’t look so scared, I have a way out"

I nod She pulls her hand from my face and puts it out in front of me I slipI took it off a dead woeous It sparkles, even in the h the thin curtains

She turns her back on me and walks to the closet

She opens the door I follow her I’clothes in the closet,the wall pop out She pushes it inside and walks into the wall

She enters the darkness I putto the roo therip mine suddenly I want to screahout my body

Words are whispered into the darkness "Stairs" I put my feet down to the next level slowly

I hear men’s voices above ht on top of me

"She was here"

I hear the old woman’s voice I feel cheated and betrayed For trade she would sell usting disappoint another woman into the farms

"She was here please Let him just co for each step with my toes It feels like an eternity has passed by the ti the sound and dank cold air The kind that can only be found underground

I look into the darkness, "This was your house wasn’t it?" I whisper

"You guessed it kid My husband had this installed e built the house He worked for the CIA"