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The Darkening Caris Roane 28350K 2023-08-31

"Here’s an idea How about I join you?" He groaned then hauled her into his arms A weapons harness, stiff by nature, wasn’t the ainst a woman, but Vela didn’t seem to care

He folded it off anyway, even while he held her in his arot a little crazy as she slung her ars around his waist

With his tongue deep in her mouth, he tried to walk her backwards and finally ended up just folding her to the bathroo her feet to the floor, but her eyes had a dazed look and when she waved a hand to get rid of her clothes, her jeans ended up around her ankles She would have toppled over, but he caught her

"Allow me" He dropped to his knees, lifted a bare foot, slid the pants off the old-fashioned way, then the other

He kissed the inside of her right ankle and being the smart woman that she was, she shifted her feet farther apart to increase the roo

Soft moans flowed down on his head, then little whi ever upward He was just about to get busy when Vela said, "Saot this funny feeling about so , not right now

He looked up at her "What do you mean?" She stepped away from him "What do you think is on the other side of that door? I uest room has a closet, and the toilet’s on the opposite side of this roo

He lifted his head and saw that an archway, centered in the ell beyond the massive shower, led to a door "It can’t be Merl’s bedroo Merl, I think I knohat it is and that’s exactly where I want to be right now" She left hiot it, which of course launched him to his feet By the tiainst her back, one hand on her hip, as he crossed the threshold with her

"Oh, my God," she said, "this is the reed hts had co, with a ri in a soft teal all round the perimeter A dark sensuality permeated as a very private room

Directly across fro the portrait of a couple fro her neck He glanced to his right and saw a video camera and soes, aze drifted to the center of the rooht lit up an apparatus he’d alanted to try out, a tall, leather, bench-like mount, over which the woame, he’d love to do this with her because the roo love

His erection punched at his kilt, which reminded him that he’d only partially undressed

She turned to hi the air "The mount has leather straps at the top I could really hold on, keep a her again, and al over her as he as fly

I know, I kno lose the rest of your clothes, warrior

He drew back froot rid of his kilt, briefs, battle sandals and shin guards He ain, but she planted her hands on his pecs, fondling hinificent in the darkening I ht, your speed, that you could fold like that and levitate and all the while your ant streamers

I was mesmerized" Her words heated hishis muscles pop in some kind of re about you, Vela, about finishing the fight so that I could get back to you I wanted you safe" Her hands slid down his chest and around his back "I ah" He smiled "I wasn’t the only one there"

"I know But you’re here and I’ you" He kissed her, more intensely this tiht well of him, and had approved his part in Duncan’s rescue As he slid his tongue into her roan fro-lock, her fingers kneading the length of each lock then teasing the apertures He wept for her so that as she -release spread over his back

By now, he arched over her, pushing his cock against her, savoring that her hips pushed back Let’s try out that mount, he sent

But as he released her, she said, "I want you to lie down first, on your stomach I need to suck down some of those juices" Okay, he almost came because her choice of words were as erotic as what she wanted to do to hiue with her either but stretched his a little more" He smiled and a thrill shot down his testicles Her hands were on hi-locks Instead, she fondled him low "You have a beautiful ass," she said Then she was stroking his buttocks, kissing and licking When she dipped low and licked and plucked at his perineum then his balls, he eroan and a grunt

"You’d better stop," he called out

"Or I won’t last" She chuckled "Well, we can’t have that" He felt her move in close to hiic happened as she got busy with his wing-locks She started at the upper right and he closed his eyes and savored

She sucked at the tip,into him in the nicest way