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The Darkening Caris Roane 30230K 2023-08-31

Fully restored, Vela set her attention on Endelle "The darkening called me to the Seers Palace A Third ascender has taken Owen Stannett’s place I believe he’s the one that held Saave a description of him and Samuel nodded "That’s probably hiht?" He nodded, his brows drawn together

"Fuck" Endelle released a heavy sigh and after a moment addressed Thorne "I think we have our answer about what happened, and how the three generals knehere and when to attack"

"Seer inforravelly voice, released his own streaet over there I’ll take a division if I have to and tear that godda-stone"

"I think that’s a plan," Endelle said

"But right now, let’s get Duncan out If this Third asshole also orchestrated Duncan’s capture, then he ht decide to speed up the execution" Thorne nodded briskly several ti toward Sarid, I want you to take lead" All eyes shifted to Sa we’re not sure about is how to distract the wreckers so we can attack and get their weapons We should figure out a way to move in from a flank position, maybe lure a squad of wreckers to us But hoe trick them?"

"I knohat to do," Vela interjected "When I was in the darkening, I slipped into Sharav’s head and saw exactly how this would go down, at least the first part of it Trust me"

"What did you see?" Samuel scowled

Vela switched to telepathy and told him what she’d seen in the vision, of herself, naked on the floor

But Samuel took a step back "No," he shouted "Hell the fuck no" Vela wasn’t certain what to do or how to convince hihed and moved in to clap Samuel on the shoulder "Settle doarrior Vela can do this thing"

"You don’t even knohat she suggested" Endelle ht into her mind and sahat you just saw Nice ass, by the way You work out much?"

"Stay on point," Thorne said

Endelle rolled her eyes "Fine" She addressed Saht The plan ork like a char across a vision like that? So, get over yourself, or the breh- hedden, or whicheveron?" Leto called out, his deep beast-voice booh the roo to play ‘butt-naked decoy’ But you boys just be respectful, which I know you will be" Thorne and Leto exchanged a glance, then turned a boatload of coh," Thorne said "Don’t worry

We’ll keep our distance" Sauess there’s only one more question to ask and answer: Vela, can youat once? This will be a big group" Vela glanced at Fiona and Alison, Leto and Thorne "Hell, yeah, I can And Thorne, you’ll want to be in flight battle gear And don’t worry, none of you need to be physically connected or anything, not for this trip" In a blur, Thorne changed

Samuel took her hand and squeezed

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"Never more sure in my life"

Samuel released his dark power, not surprised that all eyes shifted in his direction as his sthening all that he was as a man and a warrior

He knew the latent streaood

He turned to Vela, still holding her hand The soft answering smile eased hi"

"Let’s go" She ht have blinked, he wasn’t sure, but the next , just a swift forrid tunnel after the next Vela’s power held the some kind of internal compass that she possessed

"We’re close to contact," Vela called out "As soon as the wreckers stop, fold behind them and do what you do best" Samuel held his sword in his free hand Vela slowed their joint roup to a halt In the near distance an explosion sounded

She turned to Sah on this one, on what I have to do next" He tightened down his caveman instincts and nodded

To the other nal Saet down, as low as you can" Leto and Thorne nodded "Alison, Fiona, you’ll be safest pressed against the grid wall" Two more nods