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Enter aze again "You want ement?"
"I want you to know me We’re in this, Samuel And my instincts tell me that we’re in trouble, real trouble The better you knoho I aether But I can feel your hesitation" Hesitation didn’t begin to describe what he felt "I have to be honest with you; I’m completely opposed to the idea because I won’t be able to return the favor My power is unstable I’d never forgive myself if I hurt you But beyond that, Vela, that prison was the worst night as if in pain "You’re afraid I’ll see those ie, it releases fro I’ve experienced I doubt it’s controllable"
"No, I guess not" She thought about her ood and the bad, the love-hts She’d once thrown out an entire salmon dinner because of some comment Jeff had made
She chuckled softly
"What’s so funny? I don’t think this is funny at all" So, she told hi on and off "Please don’t tell et ticked off and toss out perfectly good food"
"No, I guess not But I’ll tell you what I do know; that I trust you enough to let you in, enough to let you see whatever is there" She forced herself to relax, to breathe She thought about her darkening ability, about Duncan and Merl, and that she had just hadsex with Warrior Sa an internal pressure, a need to be doing soht it would be related to Fiona’s rehab center, now she wasn’t sure at all because this felt right, being with Sarabbed her and she didn’t want to hold back, not now She suspected that her life, her survival, would depend on forging ahead with strength and co less would do
She shifted her body so that her legs slid off of his and she lay completely on her side next to him She planted a hand on his ot lost in his physicality
She blinked a couple of times and cleared her head "Do this, Samuel I don’t know the why of it, but it’s iement and let’s see what happens
Okay?" He shifted toward her and kissed her, then leaned back and closed his eyes She watched him for a moment He had fine lines beside his eyes and even now a certain tightness characterized his expression
When she felt his mind approach hers, she closed her eyes as well But when she started to slide her hand off his chest, he caught and held it, which made her heart leap in a way she didn’t think ise at all The first flutter of love awakened in her heart Was it too ht actually fall in love with this ht aside and relaxed herwas so different fro of words over the mind
But this, as Samuel pushed the barrier of her mind and slipped inside, was incredible He was there now, a formidable presence in herabout hiht then, that Samuel didn’t really know the extent of his dark power, this Third Earth ability birthed during his captivity
Of course, a new proble inside her
He chuckled softly You likefroain Next time, be inside
It seeht She forced herself to breathe
Focus on where you were born
Good idea She ai her parents and living in Philadelphia Two in the early 1800s, in as then, by co when she flew too close to a lake and her wings got caught in the water, which had been a night in and out of love Learning to play the piano, expected of a wo ti to know her local Aes
She’d had itchy feet, never wanting to stay long in one place She’d taken e would flow through her thoughts
Then a close call with a death vampire in 1922, slain by a Militia Warrior, a h that she’dchildless and overco with hio Howtheir house a true home, which she still lived in, a small piece of property near the don Borderland Without thinking, she fell into her grief, re how often she’d wept, screamed, shouted At one point, she alh her mind, No, let me see it
She felt his permission to just feel all that she had lost so she did He caressed her hand at the same time What surprised her was that as she remembered Jeff’s funeral pyre, Samuel’s presence within her mind became a tremendous comfort
He even reached for her and pulled her on top of hiain she wept for the man she had loved and lost to the war
Sorief, Sa she felt an eently, the heat of his hed heavily