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Bloodlust Shannon West 29980K 2023-08-31

He was sh there was nothing feminine about what he’d seen when he stripped off his wet jeans and underwear The sight of his pretty, thick cock, coupled with the strong scent radiating off hiain He had to go stand in the open door and breathe in the fresh air for a few minutes to calm himself

With a littlemore awake, and Cade ain Mason saw it too, and juhtly to his hand Even though he was prepared for it, the icy glare Jackson fixed on Cade when he quite suddenly opened his eyes hit hily calet up He just pulled Mason up closer on the bed beside hiether

"Don’t be scared, Jax No one’s going to hurt you I pro to rest on Cade His voice ca to do to us?"

"You’re in a motel room," he jumped up to catch his wrists and push him back dohen the boy tried to leap out of bed at those words Cade held onto Jax as he spoke in a firet you both out of the rain You were soaking wet, and you fainted I told you, no one is going to hurt either of you"

Jackson frowned, his face furious "I didn’t faint I never faintedin my life," he said "You orillas you had with you" He struggled against Cade’s grip on his wrists "Let et up"

"Well, as terrifying as that sounds, you’re not going anywhere, so relax or I’ll have to tie you to the bed" He squeezed his wrists a little "Stop it I mean it, Jackson"

"My naood I don’t want you to be scared, which is what I believe I just said"

Jax settled down, and Cade released hi Mason along with hi down at him "Concentrate, please, and answer my questions Is this ID real? Are you reallynineteen years old?"

"What? Yes, of course it’s real, and what do you mean am I really nineteen? That’s what it says, doesn’t it? What’s it to you anyway? Just cause I’rown asshole doesn’t mean I can’t take care ofa fine job of it so far, stealing tips and crackers to get soer"

"I did not faint I just took those crackers because Ibecause I was…"

"Planning on having a really big salad later? Bullshit, boy, don’t lie to me You had seventeen bucks in your wallet, and you didn’t want to spend it on unnecessary things like, oh, I don’t know, food for exa snarky and sarcastic, and he honestly didn’t knohere it was co it out in hiainst the wall, he nevertheless took a deep breath and rehtened the boy le" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins>