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12:35 a
Georgia Delaune had never been particularly drawn to illegal activity Or taking risks Or, okay, fine—sexually deviant behavior She o in the dark, peering around the curtains of her second-story ith a set of binoculars, should’ve tipped her off that she was officially losing her shit
But sinceinto the house on Fallen Oaks Lane sixBefore now, she’d convinced herself that she’d only been catching inadvertent peeks and unintentional glihbor would surely shut his curtains if he didn’t want to risk being seen, right?
She groaned, lowered the binoculars, and pressed her forehead to thefraets naked in the confines of his own home A home that’s on a treed corner lot with tons of privacy and a seven-foot-tall fence How dare he!
This was so screwed up What if he saw her? He could call the cops, and she’d be slapped with so Tammy, as the case may be That’d be an epic disaster Especially when the cops found no inforia Delaune Plus, afterward, she’d have to ain Not after he knehat she did at night And there was no way in hell she wasto find this spot, to finally feel even a sen of security and safety These walls were her only haven, and she had no intention of leaving them
But despite knowing the risks, when she saw a lalow in theof Colby Wilkes’s bedroo a chair over to theand lifting the binoculars to her eyes It took a second to adjust the focus, but when the lenses cleared, the broad, wet shoulders of her dark-haired neighbor filled the view Her stomach dipped in anticipation
He wasn’t alone
She’d known he had friends over She’d seen the group going in when she’d closed her living roouys, plus Colby Later, she’d heard water splashing and the one into her backyard for a while to listen to the distant sounds of life and laughter That world see friends over, relaxing by the pool She couldn’t see anything from her backyard Colby’s pool area was blocked by the house and bordered by trees So she’d lain in her lounge chair out back, closed her eyes, and had iuest at his party, that she was part of that laughter And she’d also found herself wondering ould happen afterward
Now she knew Colby had stepped into his bedroom, obviously fresh from the pool with his dark hair wet and only a towel knotted around his waist And he had couy as also sporting a towel, had followed hi at all Georgia’s lip tucked between her teeth, heat creeping into her face She so shouldn’t be watching this But she couldn’t turn away She’d learned rather quickly that her dear neighbor, despite his affable grin, Southern-boy charm, and straitlaced job, was a freak in the bedroom Threesomes were only part of it Theher last relationship, that alone should’ve turned her off, sent her running Guys anted control Fuck, no
But the first tier down on a lover’s back, Georgia had been transfixed She’d been co project at the ti, begging state, Georgia had gone into her office, opened a new docuh the curtains the next ress had taken a decidedly erotic turn Thankfully, her editor had loved the new direction So now Georgia, in her guiltiest moments, told herself these stolen moments at the ere all in the name of book research
Yeah Even her sleep-deprived brain didn’t buy that one
The guilt wasn’t enough tofor the knot on his towel She held her breath The terry cloth fell to the floor at Colby’s feet, and everything inside Georgia went tight Holy heaven above She’d watched—oh, how she’d watched—but never before had she been able to see everything in such intimate detail The binoculars transported her, took her by the hand and dragged her into that rooht there in front of her—strong, beautiful, aroused His hand wrapped around his cock and stroked ever so slowly, taunting her with unashaia should look away But need rolled through her like thunder fro around the binoculars
The other eous in his own right with his polished, cah-around-the-edges brawn of her neighbor Every part of Colby hinted at the wildness he hid beneath his surface—dark wavy hair that was a little too long, the close-cropped beard that shadowed his jaw, and a body that looked like he could bench-press a Buick He was the opposite of the pressed and creased, Armani-clad businessuy you’d be wary of on first glance if you ran into him in a dark alley—the cohose hat color you couldn’t quite deterhtaway
Perhaps that hy she was so fascinated with him, despite the fact that he was a ive She’d learned that danger often hid behind the gloss of an urbane smile and perfectly executed Windsor knot Colby was none of that But regardless of the reason for her mixed-up attraction, she couldn’t steh as the other uided her to take Colby into her mouth
The v
iew of Colby’s erection disappearing between the lips of so that But it also ia’s jaw clench a little too hard She could tell, even fro, that this woed to Colby’s friend They were a couple and Colby the third party But it still activated Georgia’s He’s mine, bitch! reflex
Georgia sniffed at her ridiculous, territorial reaction, and tried to loosen the tension gathering in her neck Sure, he’s yours, girl You can’t walk down the street without sing a pill first,if he were even interested in the weird, spying chick next door
But she shoved the thought away She didn’t want anything tainting these few preciousa hookup Only when she stood at thisdid she feel even a glih This was her gossamer-thin lifeline to who she used to be, to the capable and confident woman ould’ve never hidden in the dark