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Shadow Heir Richelle Mead 28290K 2023-08-31

Chapter 20

Then, hty child, Varia toldme back to my cell to "think about what I had to do" Before I left, she added, "And lest you think me too lenient, let me emphasize to you that I’m most anxious to have this friendship of ours settled I don’t like loose ends Besides, so an absolute nuisance Much tidier for all of us if we can take care of this soon"

"Noted," I rabbed my arms to leadto emphasize the point to you, I e you to do the right thing Starting with the eli on to your kingdo to you," I said, panic seizing me over how quickly the threat had escalated "They’re potential subjects"

Varia shrugged "I have plenty of those"

"Can I at least talk to them?" I asked "Make sure they’re okay so I know you haven’t killed the smile "My dear, how foolish do you think I am?"

And with that, I was led out of the throne rooht traffic jam A number of petitioners were lined up to see Varia, but a sentry held them all back and explained why they couldn’t be allowed entrance

"Her Majesty has a uard said "That takes priority She will see no one else until after that--and that’s if she feels up for it She’s had a very taxing day, so youI would’ve killed to be a fly on the wall for that audience and wondered if Dorian would opt for charm or mockery Sometimes with him, there was a fine line between the two I was also skeptical of just how "taxing" Varia’s day had been Considering the impracticality of that dress, it didn’t seem like she could even ithout assistance I really wouldn’t have been surprised to learn she and her dogs were carried around in a sedan chair

Aruntled petitioners were h they too had done a bit of hasty cleanup but otherwise possessed the same worn appearance they’d had on the road Orj’s face hardened at the sentry’s words but nonetheless ed stiff politeness

"We were told that if we assisted Her Majesty in her task " His eyes flicked nervously to uard "We were told she’d release our king and allow hiuard looked unconcerned "Then you’ll get him tomorrow Or the next day"

Alea stepped up beside Orj "But he’s been i fro freed of the curse if our land is si to die off this way?"

"If it uard, "I’m sure Her Majesty would be happy to return the Winter Enchantuards finally h the bottleneck I was taken without incident to lanced at the other closed doors in the hallway I knew Dorian was there so as well? These were the "nicer" chambers, after all How otistical presuic users were just for do with the land, but keeping theths of time certainly created a new element of vulnerability that she could e systedoentry loved their rulers with fierce devotion and, as Orj had shoould go to considerable lengths for theain, I summoned Volusian with the makeshift wand

"Are there other monarchs locked up in this corridor?" I de ones here, yes," Volusian said "Ones I can sense considerable power froh they are forced to wear their iron, even when locked up They apparently don’t have the luxuries you do"