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Shadow Heir Richelle Mead 29240K 2023-08-31

The receptionist nodded sagely "That’s how it is this tiht for sure"

As if I needed another reason to dislike the Midwest God, how Icliiel, I knew I had an unfair attitude I was si the woes of my self-imposed exile I didn’t really hate Ohio so much as I missed Arizona Once ere back in the Otherworld, I could visit the kingdoned it that way And yetit wasn’t the sa on the weather, but a place was defined by more than just that There was a culture and a vibe, driven by its people, that was unique to every location The Thorn Land was great, but it would never replaceto pry her hair off of her face A fierce wind had whipped it right at her as soon as she stepped outside "That lady wasn’t kidding"

I pulled ht The te air from earlier was now in motion as fronts collided The cute ornamental trees swayed back and forth, like synchronized dancers Dark clouds, tinged with a sickly green, gathered above A chill that had nothing to do with the cool-down ran overrandson would conquer huic I was tuned in to all the elements that ed particles that heralded lightning My senses were open to the

"So ry sky I was out of Milky Ways and pretty desperate for soet drenched before we reach the gate" Not for the first ti these Ohio trips, but it was pointless The only real reason I ca distance to the gate that led back to the Otherworld There’d be no practical way to keep a car here Plus, riding in one would probably kill Pagiel

I’d glanced at the sky, s looked as bad as they felt, when so suddenly jerkedabove a stretch of trees, I could see the edge of the stor above us only extended a mile, and where it ended abruptly, I could see sunshine and blue sky I illing to bet the air was stiflingly hot and hu around, I saw that was the case everywhere Directly above us, the sky was dark, but those clouds extended in a very finite, very clearly defined way It was like being under a perfectly round doh

My coaze "I feel it " sheon "

"Me too," I said Along with feeling storic specifically acting on the noasn’t a natural occurrence There were so ic behind it had remained hidden to me initially--as was no doubt intended There were Otherworldly forces at work And with that realization came another: we’d been discovered My Midwest safe house was no longer safe "Fuck"

Pagiel’s young face was griiel had inherited his ured out so was amiss

I began walking again "We’ve got to get to the gate There’s no other choice Once we cross, we’re safe"

"Whoever’s doing this ate," pointed out Jas"

"I know But that also means they would’ve had to defeat all the troops left behind" This gate in Hudson didn’t open within the borders of h to my allies, however, that the journey had always seeet safe medical treatment in the human world Still, we never made the journey without a considerable and armed escort on the other side