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"You’re the one who isn’t human," Madison said quietly She had cried silently, helplessly--but had stayed with theed Hadn’t flinched away fro down "She didn’t even know me and she wanted to help You won’t ever understand that kind of thinking My mother tried to tell ood listener"
"Shut up, cunt"
"Hey!" Fred seized Madison’s wrist and pulled her behind her, shoving a pissed Jonas back with the other hand along with an I’ve-got-this glare "You’ve got us all here, you’re getting what you wanted There’s no reason to talk to her like that when you could be callingprotectively near Madison "Fred’s used to it; call her the cunt, the whore, the bitch, the shrew, the witch, the tart, the twat, but leave Madison alone!"
"Thank you, Dr Bimm And, uh, Jonas"
"My friends call me Fred, so you’d better start, Madison There There! You see what you’ve done to me?" she cried to the man in the chair "You’ve h of this" If Ran had been rattled earlier, he was getting hiet rid of the witnesses, then move the device In that order"
"That would be the dooers for your wife’s death and co andold spy movies? Doomsday device Christ"
"It ork," he insisted, answering Fred but speaking to Jonas "Tell it to have no fears on that account"
"Fred, Ran says his "
"I have tolerated its presence here long enough, hers and the other fish she takes toI promised my wife, and it isn’t the only one ill suffer"
"Fred, Ran says he’ll get you, and your little dog, too"
She could have laughed to see confusion chasing anger across Ran’s face He can’t understand He’s got guns and thugs and a doomsday device and he’s sure we’re in his power and he can’t understand ill not take him seriously And he never ever will And that’s the funniest fucking thing I’ve heard all day
"You won’t laugh when it works," he hissed, rattled into speaking directly to Fred "Doubting n is a mistake"
"Oh, I’m sure it’ll work, Dr Ran I’m absolutely certain your Doomsday Device ork No proble to be a mechanical marvel That’s not the issue with your doomsday device I’m not worried about whether or not the doo ork I’m concerned about your doomsday device because it’syou know A doomsday device"
"It can an
"Thanks You look eood day for you And you still look wretched She’s dead" Pointing at the "corpse" "And she looks a lot better than you do"
"Oh, that" Ran looked down "Throw that in the tank"
"Which one?" Fred asked, honestly interested Let’s see, there are over seventy separate tanks on theone, of course The one we need for the test"
Fred didn’t like the sound of that at all
Betsy’s dead body went in with the inevitable splash, and they all watched it sink Fred thought she certainly looked dead, and froht so, too Pale, blanched Blood-stained shirt Eyes frozen open and staring, drifting down and down and down Please be alive, you Minnesotan blond bloodsucker; I would be losing ht you were truly as dead as you looked
"Get on with the speech"
"What?" Hedley Ran asked, again startled into answering her directly
She folded her arms across her chest and shook her head "Oh, co nice with Madison to trick her out of her key cards and rounding us all up in here and dropping sly little hints you think are subtle about your doo on about how I’m not human and will pay the price, blah-blah, you haven’t set all this up to not tell enius plan and hoe’ll rue the day we killed your wife, except no one in this building, and I’ to do with that, but what are le" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins>